UPDATE: 8 New Pictures Have Been Added To This List, courtesy of MakingGameOfThrones
On February 11th, HBO released 20 set photos of the highly anticipated 6th season of Game Of Thrones. We take a look at what these could signify for the Wars to Come…
The Starks

The Cat of the Canal, as she’s referred to in this part of her story in the books. A blind Arya Stark wanders across the streets and canals of the Free City of Braavos as part of her punishment/training?

This is perhaps the second most interesting picture to raise some eyebrows. Brandon Stark appears with the Three Eyed Raven.
Having Bran standing and the Three Eyed Raven appear in Human Form can most likely be attributed that Bran is in training and is having visions through it. Much like Neo and Morpheus in that White Room in the Matrix.

See? We told you there was enough snow to dampen their fall. Now the skeptics can move on to something else. Sansa Stark and Theon Greyjoy/Reek go on with their escape.
Having Sansa lend a hand to Theon probably suggests she will start to either forgive him, or feel sorry for what he’s been through; maybe both.

This photo is already sparking controversy, as some believe Sansa to potentially be pregnant with Ramsey’s seed in her belly. False: She is wearing the same outfit as in the season 5 finale, and this is probably from the very first episode(s) of the upcoming season.

Sansa Stark will definitely have a bigger role this season. Maybe it’s her time to fight back and avenge all the evils that have been brought to her family these last seasons.
The Wall

Obviously no photos of Jon Snow in this photo release. We get 3 pictures linked to the storyline of The Wall. We have Davos Seaworth, Stannis’ Hand in Castle Black.
This may be the most interesting photo of them all, as one can wonder if it’s smoke we see in the picture, and if so, what’s burning and where is it coming from. Jon Snow’s Body anyone??

What’s to happen with Melisandre? The Red Woman looks more confident in this photo than when we last saw her in the Season 5 Finale. She looks in charge, ready to lead another group, since Stannis’ army was decimated at Winterfell. Azor Ahai anyone?

While not at The Wall per se, Sam and Gilly are off to Old Town, where Sam will learn to become a Maester for the Nights Watch. Maybe they’ll make a pit stop in Hornhill to meet Sam’s family?
Randyll Tarly, Sam’s tough warrior minded father would make an interesting addition to the show. Even more so considering he was mentioned by Stannis himself in season 5 when he and Sam had a talk.
The North

We now go to The North, in Winterfell to be precise, where our favorite psycho, legitimized bastard Ramsey Bolton looks rather grim, considering he has just defeated Stannis Baratheon’s army. He must miss his wife and his Reek…

The Flayers of the North, Father and Son, Roose and Ramsey Bolton looking rather surprised. Maybe the notion of another Stark in the horizon is worrying them?

Brienne of Tarth, the newest Kingsguard to commit Regicide (granted not HER King) appears with her Valyrian Steel sowrd Oathkeeper. Where could she be? Maybe an Inn near Winterfell where she crosses path with someone (again)?
The Greyjoys

Ah the Ironborn! Despite their prominent storyline in the books, they were put in the very background after season 3 (Yara had very short appearances in season 4, and that’s it).
We here have Balong Greyjoy, the King of The Iron Islands, father to Theon and Yara. Given the news of the casting of Euron Greyjoy, Balon’s brother, we can expect some Greyjoy family drama to ensue…

While we are glad to see Yara Greyjoy back, sadly, we will not get to see Euron “The Crow’s Eye” Greyjoy until he appears in either the trailer or the show.
Kings Landing

A sad, despaired Jaime Lannister coming back to Kings Landing with the second child of Cersei to be covered in a golden “shroud”.

This season might introduce more rivalry between Jaime and Cersei Lannister, especially considering what Cersei has ben going through.
As the season begins, she will have a Trial with the Faith to resolve, as well as finding her 2nd of 3 children has died. The prophecy of Maggie The Frog, the only Flashback we’ve had so far in the show, is slowly becoming true.

Cersei Lannister, looking more and more mischievous than ever… The Prophecy of Maggie the Frog is coming moreso into reality.

First his older brother Joffrey, now his older sister Myrcella, King Tommen can’t catch a break. His siblings keep dying, his mother just got humiliated, he’s the King, and there’s nothing he can do about it; he’s too soft!
Will we see a shift in character from the Boy King?

While the Queen Regent Cersei Lannister may have confessed to the Faith and got her Walk of Atonement, the Actual Queen Margaery Tyrell is still rotting in a dungeon, Septon Unella towering over her. What will the Tyrells do to get out of this pickle…

The leader of Kings Landing’s very own Fanatic Cult, the Faith Militant, the High Sparrow still has debts to clear with the Crown and all the other Noble Families of Westeros. Luckily, for him, he has the people on his side.
Beyond The Narrow Sea

Last we saw the Mother of Dragons, she was approached by a horde of Dothraki riders. That might prove challenging for Daenerys, as the Dothraki only follow strength, and have not seen any in her since Khal Drogo died in the first season.
Will she stand up to the challenge? Will her Dragon Drogo come save her again?

Our favorite duo when it comes to Politics in Game Of Thrones. Varys and Tyrion Lannister now have Mereen, a city completely foreign to them, to rule and bring order back into, while Daario Naharis and Jorah Mormont are looking for Daenarys.
This storyline should prove quite intriguing, to say the least.

Tyrion is now left in Mereen. What challenges will he face next? Will he find a common ground with the Ghiscari? What about the Sons of the Harpy Rebels? Can he even have the Unsullied at his disposal?

Having Grey Worm present in this picture is a good sign. Another unlikely trait for our favorite God of “Tits and Wine” is to have him pour drink BACK INTO The Flagon…. Is Tyrion about to get his act together, now that he’s ruling a foreign city?

Missandei, Daenerys’ confident is now also left alone in Mereen. Hopefully, she can be a resource to Tyrion and Varys while the Khaleesi is away.