Part II of III On Robert’s Rebellion: The Battle Of The Trident (Gallery)
In Part I: Robert’s Rebellion And Why It Matters In Game Of Thrones (Complete Timeline and Events), we covered the timeline of Robert’s Rebellion.
One of the Most Pivotal Moment of Robert’s Rebellion is when Robert Baratheon killed the Heir to the Throne Rhaegar Targaryen at the Battle of the Trident!
This moment is such an important one, to the point it has inspired artists all over the world to create their vision of the Epic Battle between the Stag and the Dragon! We decided to have them all here in a separate article for you to enjoy!
This first drawing by Morano shows the brutality of Robert’s yielding of his Warhammer

Robert striking Rhaegar’s armor of rubies…

The Riverlands were to flow red after these 2 would meet one on one…

How the Ruby Ford began….

Robert Baratheon Kills the Heir to the Iron Throne

“Sin City” style depiction of the battle

The Stag Kills The Last Dragon

The Trident Flew of Red After the Battle

Another shot of the Warhammer about to kill the heir of the Targaryen Dynasty…

“In My Dreams, I Kill Him Every Night”

The Stag and the Dragon

“Rhaegar Never Liked Killing”

The Warhammer Hit that Destroyed a Dynasty!

Robert Had Not Only Won The Battle, He Had Also Won The War!

Another Nice Depiction by Mike Miller

HBO’s Version in their “History and Lore” DVD/Blu Ray Bonus Feature…

“Rhaegar Fought Valiantly, Rhaeger Fought Nobly, Rhaegar Fought Honorably, And Rhaegar Died…”

Make sure to also check Part I: Robert’s Rebellion And Why It Matters In Game Of Thrones (Complete Timeline and Events)
And Part III: Ideal Casting For A Robert’s Rebellion Mini Series