So HBO Finally released their much anticipated trailer for Season 6 of Game Of Thrones on March 8th 2016.
We take a look at some of the hints that might be hidden within this epic 1 minute and 41 seconds of footage. First things First, let’s tackle the Elephant in the Room:
Jon Snow’s Resurrection

HBO wastes no time in reminding us that Jon Snow IS Dead. They held on to that story for almost a year now, and they’re not backing down. The first thing we see is Jon’s body lying in the snow, and Davos telling us “He’s Gone!”.

Melisandre is heard talking to Davos as how she is starting to doubt her prophecies. She now believes what she saw in the flames was a lie.

However, this Montage here is what should have us scratching our heads, or possibly rejoice. What do we see?
- The flames of R’hollor (The Lord Of Light)
- The Hall of Faces, an obvious symbol for Death and Resurrection (as we’ve seen in Season 5 with Arya)
- Melisandre getting naked (as she always did before any of her black magic rituals)
- Jon’s Dead Body being touched.
But then let’s not forget this shot at the beginning of the trailer:

Alliser Thorne and Bowen Marsh of the Nights Watch are trying to barge a door in Castle Black. Maybe they want to burn a certain body before it turns.

And this final shot of the trailer: Davos apologizing for what they’re “about to see”, as he grabs Longclaw, Jon Snow’s Valyrian Steel sword, in front of its dead body, 2 other Crows and Ghost all present.

Maybe he will use the Valyrian Steel on Jon to confirm he hasn’t turned into a White Walker? Or is Ghost another Important Element here? Jon maybe warged into Ghost (although the show hasn’t established that Jon is a Warg, like in the books)
Or maybe he’s trying to seize the body for another purpose? In any case, a lot of hints are pointing towards a possible Resurrection. Let’s Hope So!
War In The North

This shot of Tormund Giantsbane standing in battle in front of a shield with a Bolton sigil along with:

This shot of a Bolton Flank attacking a pack of Wildlings, determines that the Wildlings are fighting the Boltons.
BUT WHY? The Wildlings had no business fighting the wars of “the Southeners”
Now here’s the “Blink and you Miss It” treat:

Could this long haired man in a horse in battle just be who we just discussed in the previous page? If that’s the case, the Wildlings fighting by his side makes a bit more sense.
Relieved of his duties with the Nights Watch, since he technically died, he could go and fight for Winterfell, his family’s land and titles as well.
Also In The North

A burning flayed man inversely attached to a wooden X, the Bolton Family Sigil.
But who’s being burnt here? Stannis Baratheon? Maybe; to have the Boltons confirm their utter dominance in the North. That sounds like something the Boltons would do…

We also see Brienne Kill a Bolton soldier. Is she defending herself? Or maybe she bumps into Sansa and Theon and tries to save them from the Boltons?

We said “Try” because we here have Sansa running away. Maybe from the Boltons? Why is she alone? Why isn’t Theon with her?

Here, we see Theon Greyjoy cornered by Bolton men… Not Good for Reek. Not Good. Maybe that’s also what Sansa is running away from in the previous shot.

This shot of Sansa in a fur coat can give a sense of relief. That she’s probably been saved after her escape from the Boltons in Winterfell. Or Maybe not…. this coat looks like a cloak from the Nights Watch. Maybe she’s in Castle Black and has learned about her half brother’s (or should we say cousin) demise.
The Longshots: Could This Be…

Who is this rider in the night, attacking a runner with a chained flamed ball…. Maybe Coldhands?
Euron Greyjoy

He had been announced, relieving fans what were to happen to the Greyjoy storyline that had been almost abandoned by the series these last 2 seasons. Well, wait no more, Euron Greyjoy, the Crow’s Eye, brother to Balon Greyjoy, the current King of the Iron Island will finally make his presence known.

Even though he’s not wearing an eye patch in the trailer, we see him getting baptized for the Drowned God, just like his nephew Theon had in Season 2. Could this mean that Stannis’ third leech from Season 3 worked its magic for Euron to return to Pyke and take the Iron Islands?
The Cat Of The Canal (Arya)

Yup. Arya is still Blind. And by looking at the scars on her face, it seems she’s having a hard time moving around.

Oh, and she keeps getting slapped around in the House of Black and White. Yeah that makes sense as well…

Now this one contradicts everything just mentioned: if you were wondering who that is doing Parkour in Braavos, again, that’s Arya. Her blindness being part of her training, she will learn to “see”, as Syrio Forel had told her in Season 1, and Jaqen has in Season 5.
Turmoil In Kings Landing

The Sparrows have made their presence known in Kings Landing, capturing the Queen and the Queen Regent, and humiliating the latter in her walk of Atonement in last season’s finale. We see Margaery still in her cell, and hear the High Sparrow state that they can “Overthrow” an Empire.

Yet there’s an Army of soldiers standing in front of the Sept of Baelor. We haven’t seen this type of armor yet in the series, the same way we haven’t seen any Tyrell forces in great detail since the Battle of Blackwater.
These soldiers are most likely fighting for House Tyrell, wanting the Queen, Margaery Tyrell, still Imprisoned to be released, by force. And it might be Jaime Lannister leading the front. She is the Queen after all, and he is the head of the Kingsguard.

Ser Robert Strong of the Kingsguard (Oh who are we kidding, we all know by now it’s a Zombified Gregor “The Mountain” Clegane) gives a death stare to the sparrows that threaten with violence. What does Cersei respond with?

“I Choose Violence!”. The Lannisters are fighting back this season. Hear them Roar….
In Slavers Bay (And The Dothraki Sea)

Daenerys has seen better days. She’s being held captive by the Dothraki horde that found her at the end of the last season. The fact that she’s walking and not riding reveal they do not see her as a Khaleesi.

As we learned in Season 1, the Dothraki only follow strength. She was found without her dragon, so she is taken as a common slave back to Vaes Dothrak

Now Ser Jorah Mormont and Daario Naharis had left Mereen to track Dany and her Dragon. This beautiful shot has them in the same spot she was last seen last season.

Jorah has a lead and hope, that he will find his queen anytime soon. But definitely not without a fight.

A horde of Dothraki is attacking. A War between Danaerys’ Unsullied, Daario’s Second Sons, and the Dothrakis could be in the Horizon.

Meanwhile, they’re still turmoil in Mereen. The queen’s throne room is being pillaged in her absence.

This is the only shot of Tyrion we see in this trailer. Maybe revealing more would spoil it for us. Only the Producers know at this moment…
Ned Stark Is Back

YES! You read that correctly. This group of men you see here are Starks Men led by no other than Lord Eddard Stark. This will be a Flashback of the infamous Tower of Joy scene at the very of Robert’s Rebellion where Jon and 4 of his men (they are 6 total here though) confronted the last remaining Kingsguard loyal to the Targaryen Crown, and were holding his sister Lyanna Stark hostage in the Tower of Joy

In this other shot, we see Young Ned Stark fight a soldier wearing a Targaryen sigil on his armor. While not Kingsguard (so it’s NOT Arthur Dayne), they are fighting Targaryen loyalists here.

This should make for a great scene we see as a flashback through Bran’s visions. Speaking of Bran:
Brandon Stark’s Vision

Brandon looks confused here. Well so are we since HE’S STANDING!! He’s definitely having visions through his training with the Three Eyed Raven.

He turns around, only to see The Night King, and one of his White Walker General standing here behind him. Most likely he will have some insights about the White Walkers, the Long Night, and the Wars to Come between them and the Realm of Men…
Davos grabbed the sword and is defending Jons dead body from being taken away and burned by the Nights Watch, you can see earlier in the trailer Alister Thorne and other Watchmen trying to break down the door.
If John Snow really is a Targaryen …. wouldn’t it be awesome if, when they burn his body, he survives the flames and comes out of the fire ‘re-born’