The A-Team that took it upon themselves to fetch a White Walker beyond the Wall has not only successfully completed their mission (at the cost of many extras, a secondary character, and a freaking dragon dying), but they’ve also won our hearts.
Though they’ve mostly been a target for the title of next Avengers or Super Heroes, did you know they’re also a slight representation of the Faith of the Seven?
- Gendry is the Smith – literally and figuratively.
- Beric is the Stranger, having died at least six times and feeling less alive each time he comes back.
- The Hound is the Crone, who represents foresight and wisdom, as he had visions in the fire of East Watch and White Walkers heading that way.
- Jorah is the Warrior, driven by duty and honor, representing strength and courage.
- Thoros is the Mother, having “given life” to Beric as he brought him back to life six times.
- Tormund is the Maiden, as funny as that sounds – he’s not innocent or pure, but he is indeed a lover (Tormund thinking of fathering babies with Brienne makes him so freaking happy).
- Jon is the Father, representing divine justice and judgement, leading this group of seven mismatched heroes as the Father is the leader of the Seven.
Now, while you digest all that, check out some hilarious and spot on fan-made photoshop art regarding these seven badasses.
The Magnificent Seven
In this 2016 movie, seven gunmen in the old west eventually come together to help a poor village against savage thieves. Though our seven heroes live in a different universe and time, they do come together in the weirdest of ways to help convince Queen Cersei that there is an undead threat out there, hoping to get through to her and save Westeros before it’s too late.
The Fellowship of the Wight

You have my flaming sword. You have my running skills. And my axe! We all know one does not simply walk into Mordor, but we did find out that one also does not walk back from beyond the wall – you fly, you fools!
Who’s Friend Are You Anyway?

This lovely graph shows the relationships between our seven heroes. Some have a lot in common (like Gendry and Jon), and some had started out hating each other and ended up helping save each other’s lives.
Straight Outta East Watch

Our heroes have nothing to do with music or Compton, LA, but they do indeed revolutionize the line between what makes one a hero and what makes one a dumb man. They defy that line and come out on top (literally, all of them minus Jon flew out of there), and the stakes are high for any upcoming heroes in Westeros.
The Expendables

Paying homage to these seven characters and their unique and badass sets of skills by sending them beyond the Wall with a few doomed extras? Yes, please. Maybe they’ll put these seven guys together again and they alone will save Westeros.
The Hateful Eight

Eight? Yes, let’s not forget our Olympic Spearman – the Night King. In this spinoff, he is the reason why these seven brave and different men think they might not make it back.
The A.Team
Game of Thrones’ Very Own “A-Team”; For When you need a Team that gets the Job Done!! Does that make the Hound this team’s B.A Barracus?
All Credits Go To Junkee
Suicide Squad

Why so serious, Jon Snow? You seven didn’t know you were going on a suicide mission sanctioned by your lover – erm, aunt – Daenerys? Why else would seven men of different calibers and skills be put together?
The Hound Wants Chicken

Ah, Sandor Clegane. His lovely favorite word, and his favorite dish. You better bring him some chicken! You wouldn’t want to end up like Polliver, would you?
Red Shirts

Red alert! All hands to battle stations! Never forget the Red Shirts from the original Star Trek series, and never forget the poor souls that tagged along with our seven heroes and never came back. Because, you know, the main away team never dies.
Tormund the Seductive White Walker

This would’ve been hilarious. It’s very easy to see Tormund doing something like this, and he’d probably go along with it as well. Hodor doesn’t seem too excited to see a sexy, thick, living undead lass, though.
Snowcean’s Seven

Jon Snow and his six accomplices have gone beyond to Wall to steal away a White Walker. A five-star group of actors and characters, a journey that could potentially have no return trip, and a lot of undead. What could go wrong?
How Many Men?!

Our beloved Lady Lyanna Mormont says her 62 men are as strong and fierce as mountain bears. Ramsey Bolton thinks his 20 men are enough. Bronn always says that 10 good men can “impregnate the bitch”. How about just sending seven to an almost-suicide mission in order to convince Crazy Lady sitting on the Iron Throne that the threat is real?! Sure! They’ll be fine.
C.U.N.T.S (Friends Parody)
Whoever did this Game of Thrones / FRIENDS (TV Show) Parody Mash deserves a Medal….
Grand Theft Wight

Forget beating up the populace, stealing cars, airplanes, military airplanes and helicopters. Why would you want to do that when you can steal a White Walker, kill some, and catch a ride on a dragon, flying away almost unscathed?

Anyone up for a game of Dungeons and Dragons? Forget the Mindflayer and the Demogorgons, we have seven different characters that can solve any problems and save the day!
The Fox and the Hound

In the original 1981 classic movie, a fox and a hound become best friends only to find themselves forced to become enemies. While our redheaded fox Tormund and The Hound are not besties, I wonder what could be the straw that will break this camel’s back… *cough, cough* Brienne? *cough, cough*
The Avengers

Captain Winterfell and his spectacular group of super heroes get together to save the day, and most importantly, humanity! I would hate to see a Civil War break out among them.
The Night King

That does sound like a good, old scary movie title, with Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” playing in the background.
National Geographic Presents

Survival tips from seven men who set out to find and capture a White Walker, Gendry explains how one can run so fast and far in such a short amount of time, Beric reveals his flaming sword trick in case you ever need a fire in the wild, and Jon shows us how to prepare for a plunge in a deep, below freezing lake and come out just fine. Tune in next week to see what else they can do!
The Fellowship Of The Wight – Tribute Video
YouTube Channel Zurik23 Never Ceases To Amaze with their Incredible Game of Thrones Fan Edits. “The Fellowship of the Wight”, is a recollection of the expedition “Beyond The Wall” and serves as a solid tribute to the team and the game changing episode.