Part III Of III On Robert’s Rebellion: The Ideal Casting For A (Potential) Movie Or (Ideally) Mini Series On The Events
In Part I we covered all the events that led to and occurred during Robert’s Rebellion.
In Part II we showcased artwork from the pivotal moment of the Rebellion: When Robert Killed Rhaegar!
Many fans, us included, have stated interest on having this epic storyline in Westeros History turned into an HBO Mini Series of its own. A movie could work but wouldn’t cover all the important event in 2-3 hours.
Eddard Stark, “The Quiet Wolf”
Choice 1: James McAvoy
A big name for a big role. Ned Stark is one of the main characters in the story, and McAvoy would properly portray the future Warden of the North.
Choice 2: Sebastian Croft as Eddard Stark
Or maybe Sebastin Croft, as he is portraying the young Ned Stark in Season 6 flashbacks and could reprise the role.
UPDATE: Since Sebastian Croft ended up playing Ned as a child, he could be used in Flashback sequences where him and young Robert Baratheon are getting trained in the Eyrie under the tutelage of Jon Arryn.
Choice 3: Robert Aramayo as Eddard Stark

He Portrayed Young Ned in the Tower of Joy Flashback Sequence, and his performance was praised by both fans and critics. It would make sense for him to reprise the role throughout the entire Rebellion.
Robert Baratheon
Ideal Choice: Tom Hardy
Need we say more… One and only valid choice to portray the usurper.
Honorable Mention: Henry Cavill

Henry Cavill could be another viable candidate as shown with this fan made depiction.
Lyanna Stark, “The Wolf Maid”
Choice 1: Jessica Brown Findlay
Lyanna Stark, betrothed to Robert Baratheon, would need to be portrayed by an actress that can encompass her beauty and her fierce behavior being a stark.
Choice 2: Maisie Williams
Why Not? She already plays Arya Stark, who is described in the books, by her father Ned, to look and behave like her aunt. By the time the series ends, and this story gets into production, Maisie will be old enough to portray the character beautifully. She already knows how to act like a Stark.
Choice 3: Eva Green
She may be a bit older than the character is, but she could portray the fierce yet beautiful Stark sister in a way only she can.
Choice 4: Katie McGrath
Another solid choice to go with.
Choice 5: Aisling Franciosi

She portrayed a dying Lyanna Stark in a Bed of Blood in the Season 6 Finale of Game of Thrones. Having her reprise the pivotal role in the story would definitely work.
Rhaegar Targaryen, “The Last Dragon”
Choice 1: Chris Hemsworth
Looks like the artist who drew the fan art on the right side of the photo above had this actor in mind to portray the Last Dragon and Heir to the Iron Throne. And rightfully so…
Choice 2: Charlie Cox
If Chris Hemsworth is too buff to portray Rhaegar, a blonde haired Charlie Cox could pull it off just as much.
Choice 3: Charlie Hunnam
Charlie would have to yield back to his native British accent for this role, and would portray him as menacingly well as he did Jax Teller in Sons of Anarchy
Choice 4: Leif Stacy
Not an Actor, but a Model that definitely radiates the Targaryen look as it is described in the books.
UPDATE: Wilf Scolding

Wilf Scolding was cast as Rhaegar in the show, making a brief appearance in one of Bran’s flashbacks that confirmed his marriage to Elia Martell. This changes the perspective on Robert’s Rebellion altogether and not only confirmed the R+L=J theory, but also makes Jon Snow the rightful heir to the Iron Throne, even before Daenerys Targaryen.
“The Mad King” Aerys Targaryen
Choice 1: Liam Hoodie
Liam already portrayed the Mad King in an un-aired flashback scene from the pilot of Game of Thrones where Ned remembered the death of his brother Brandon and father Rickard while the Mad King watched.
Choice 2: Peter Capaldi
Another solid candidate for the role. He would beautifully portray the Mad King’s paranoia and complete madness on screen
David Rintoul

Another character from the Rebellion that was seen in Bran’s Flashbacks in Season 6 of Game of Thrones. We only saw him screaming for the Maesters to “Burn them all”, only to meet his demise at the hands of Jaime Lannister.
Rhaella Targaryen
Choice 1: Charlize Theron
Sister and Wife to Aerys (A Targaryen tradition long before Jaime and Cersei Lannister went at it), mother to Rhaegar and queen of the realm. The odds of getting such an A-Lister for a relatively minor role are horribly low, but one can still wish….
Choice 2: Naomi Watts
Same goes for Naomi Watts.
The Starks
Christian Bale as Brandon Stark “The Wild Wolf”
An angry and explosive Stark; who better than Bale to portray him?
Timothy Dalton as Lord Rickard Stark, “The Warden Of The North”
A calm and honorable Lord who seeks justice for his daughter, only to meet his fate at the hands of a Mad King.
UPDATE: Wayne Foskett as Lord Rickard Stark

Wayne Foskett was cast as the Stark Father figure in a Season 6 flashback of the show. In the brief flashback, he gives fatherly advice to Young Ned Stark before he’s to leave for the Eyrie (and eventually meet Robert): “Remember that you are a Stark. Comport yourself with Dignity in the Vale, and try to stay out of fights. But if you MUST fight: WIN!”
Aaron Taylor Johnson as Benjen Stark “The Wolf Pup”
He would be present at the Tournament of Harrenhall where he would be moved by a recruiter of the Nights Watch, as well as witness the events that occurred between his sister Lyanna and Rhaegar Targaryen. He holds Winterfell during the war, and takes the Black once his brother Ned returns with a heir of his own.
The Lannisters
Taron Egerton as Jaime Lannister “The Kingslayer”
A casting that fits and works on its own…
Imogen Poots as Cersei Lannister
Cersei would be less cunning at this stage in her life, and Imogen Poots would deliver a solid portrayal of the future Queen.
Tony Curran as Tywin Lannister “The Great Lion Of The Rock” and Former Hand Of The King
The resemblance is uncanny. Hopefully, so would the cold stern performance of such an emotional desert of a character
Hafthór Júlíus Björnsson as Gregor “The Mountain” Clegane
He’s definitely the only candidate viable to reprise this role
The Tullys
Hugh Laurie as Hoster Tully Lord of Riverrun
Joins the Rebels’ side once his daughters Lysa and Catelyn are betrothed to Jon Arryn and Brandon Stark respectively. Laurie would make a gret Lord Paramount of the Trident.
Sophie Cookson as Catelyn Tully
Betrothed to Brandon Stark, then his brother Ned following his death at the hands of the Mad King. Soft spoken and kind “all Fish” Catelyn Tully would be greatly portrayed by Sophie Cookson.
Colby Minifie as Lysa Tully
Betrothed to Lord Jon Arryn of the Vale. She portrayed “annoying and crazy” pretty well in “Jessica Jones”, which would make a perfect match for Lysa Tully
Jon Arryn, Lord Of The Eyrie
Choice 1: Jeremy Irons
Jon Arryn raised Robert and Ned in the Eyrie and is the second father figure of the 2 main characters. Jeremy Irons would be an ideal candidate to portray the Warden of the East
Choice 2: Gary Oldman
One of the best chameleon actors there is, Oldman could portray Arryn in a variety of ways, from calm and composed mentor, to fierce commander hiding under a calm persona.
The Martells (And Other Targaryen Loyalists)
Odette Anabelle as Elia Martell
The Dornish wife of Rhaegar, older sister to Oberyn Martell. Held hostage by the Mad King to hold the Dornish allegiance to the throne, raped and killed with her babies in the Sack of Kings Landing by Gregor Clegane.
Rodrigo Santoro as Ser Lewyn Martell
Elia’s uncle and Kingsguard to Rhaegar. Will die in the Trident with his future king.
Domhnall Gleeson as Lord Jon Connington, The Hand Of The King
The currently exiled, at the time Hand of the King, he would lose his title and lands after one too many defeats to the Rebels.
Other Targaryen Loyalists (Kingsguard)
Cillian Murphy as Barristan “The Bold” Selmy
Getting him buffed a little with some strength and sword training would make Cillian Murphy a perfect choice to portray the young captain of the Kingsguard.
Karl Urban as Arthur Dayne “The Sword Of The Morning”
The tower of Joy would be a primordial fight sequence, and a solid choice to portray Arthur Dayne fighting Ned Stark would be Karl Urban.
Dominic West as Arthur Dayne “The Sword Of The Morning”
Another solid choice. Her turned down the role of Mance Rayder and has expressed regrets over this decision. Perhaps this would be his way back into the Game Of Thrones universe.
Luke Roberts as Arthur Dayne “The Sword Of The Morning”

Luke Roberts portrayed the Sword of the Morning Beautifully in Season 6 of Game of Thrones, so it’s only valid to have him return to portray the fiercest swordsman who ever lived.
The Siege Of Storms End
Frank Dillane as Stannis Baratheon
A casting choice that would work since Frank is the son of Stephen Dillane, who portrayed Stannis in the HBO show.
Kerr Logan as Davos Seaworth
The inverse father/son dynamic here: Logan played Matthos Seaworth in the series, Davos’ son. Perhaps in the rebellion, he could portray the father in his heavy smuggling days…
Toby Jones as Mace Tyrell “The Lord Oaf of Highgarden”
Holds the Baratheon keep of Storms End for a solid year before Ned Stark lifts it after Robert wins the Throne.
Other Characters
Jamie Bell as Roose Bolton
While he’s not as prominent in Robert’s Rebellion as he is in the War of Five Kings, still, having the Flayers involved in battle would add another flavor of madness to the mix
Martin Freeman as Howland Reed, Lord of Greywater
Lord Eddard Stark’s most trusted friend and bannerman, and the only one to know what truly happened at the Tower of Joy.
Tom Wlaschiha as Jaqen H’ghar
Not sure where Faceless Men would fit in Robert’s Rebellion, but in the case where they could fit in a side storyline, who else to portray “them” than “No One” Himself.
Orlando Bloom as Rhaegar.
Oliver Reed – King Robert Baratheon, Gerard Depardeau – Lord Eddard Stark, Alan Bates – Stannis Baratheon, Sal Mineo – Renley Baratheon, Michael Caine or James Fox – Jaime Lannister, Montgomery Clift – Jon Snow, Sir Laurence Olivier – Tywin Lannister, Rudolph Valentino – Oberon Martell
Tom Hardy is like 5 feet tall. Robert is supposed to be a huge muscular presence
the name is liam burke not hoodie