Trailer 2 Screencap Breakdown
With less than a month until the Season 7 Premiere, HBO has finally released a second trailer for Game Of Thrones. If you haven’t seen it yet, make sure to watch it here, or watch it again before the breakdown:
Winter Is Here

The Trailer begins with Ramin Djawadi’s “Light of the Seven” from the Season 6 Finale playing. Sansa Stark is seen walking away from the Winterfell Weirwood Tree in what is and will be the longest shot of the entire trailer. She walks pensive, most probably in regards to the off screen words of Littlefinger:
“Don’t Fight In The North, or the South. Fight Every Battle Everywhere. Always! In Your Mind” – Petyr “Littlefinger” Baelish

The Gates of Castle Black are being Opened….

… Most likely for Bran Stark and Meera Reed.

Jon Snow is seen here in what is most likely Beyond the Wall to fight the Walkers and the Night King.

The Residents of Kings Landing do not seem content in this shot, Lannister banners floating in the Capital.

Queen Cersei Lannister in her new outifit doesn’t seem pleased as well. Maybe the news of Daenerys Targaryen Returning home has reached the Capital?
Daenerys Targaryen Is Home

Daenerys Targaryen walking in the War Room of Dragonstone, as it was left by Stannis Baratheon before he left for both Braavos and then the Wall in Season 4

The Shoreline of Dragonstone where a small boat has arrived.

Arya Stark, in the same shot as in the first trailer, is seen riding on her horse. Maybe showing more of her would spoil away…

Armor Wearing Jaime Lannister is walking in the gates of Casterly Rock, his family’s Ancestral Home.

Petyr “Littlefinger” Baelish is creeping through the shadows in the Crypts of Winterfell.

A Dornish Spear being sharpened before battle.
Jon Snow Calls For Unity

Daenerys Targaryen walks on the shore of her Family’s Ancestral Island of Dragonstone. Jon Snow’s voice is heard in the background:
“For Centuries our families fought together…” – Jon Snow
These words will prove important for this trailer, and the season in general…

Daenerys faces the Sigil of the previous occupant, the burning stag of Stannis Baratheon. Stannis Baratheon had been awarded Dragonstone at the end of his older brother Robert’s Rebellion after the last Targaryen had fled their ancestral home.

… Before ripping it apart. It’s her home now. Jon Snow’s dialogue continues:
“…against their common enemy…” – Jon Snow

The 3 Dragons fly over the Castle and the Island of Dragonstone.

A Pensive Tyrion Lannister on the Island of Dragonstone. Jon Snow’s dialogue continues:
“…despite their differences, Together!” – Jon Snow

A worried Theon Greyjoy in what will most likely be a naval battle between his sister Yara’s ships and their uncle Euron’s.

Greyworm gives a nod, which matches perfectly with Jon Snow’s narrated line:
“We need to do the same if we’re gonna survive” – Jon Snow

Brienne of Tarth and Podrick Payne are back in Winterfell. Jon Snow continues his quote:
“Because the Enemy is Real.” – Jon Snow

The Hound in what seems to be Beyond the Wall. Last we saw Clegane in Season 6, he had joined the Brotherhood without Banners, and their leader Berric Donderrion had mentioned heading North to fight the “Real War”. The Brotherhood and the Hound will most likely be part of that party that joins Jon Snow Beyond the Wall to fight the Wall.
A Season Filled With War

Dothraki Riders Strorm on a defending Lannister Phalanx

Unsullied soldiers getting killed by Lannister arrows

Yara Greyjoy jumps into battle during what seems to be a Greyjoy vs. Greyjoy sea battle

Jaime Lannister and Bronn command Lannister archers. Probably those that killed the Unsullied from the second to previous frame to that one.
The REAL Enemy

A warged raven flies over an army of Wights

The Night King looks up. He most probably spotted the warged raven.

A warging Bran Stark snaps out of his warging. He may have realized that he’s been spotted by the Night King. Ever since he touched him in Season 6, the Night King and Bran probably have a bond between them that only they can fully understand.

A tired Bran Stark (In a cool new wheelchair) in front of the Weirdwood tree in Winterfell. With him is most likely to be Maester Wolkan, previously of House Bolton.

As Jon Snow ends his dialogue with:
“It’s ALWAYS Been Real!” – Jon Snow
Beric Donderrion and his infamous flaming sword that used against the Hound in Season 3, and in the Battle of Pyke during the Greyjoy Rebellion
More Wars From Within The Seven Kingdoms

Despite Jon calling for all the Houses of Westeros to overlook their differences and unite against the REAL threat ahead, these same Houses will still lead their men to battle.
In this next shot, A Greyjoy fleet on open waters, most likely loyal to the rightfully elected King of the Iron Islands, Euron Greyjoy

The fleet is heading towards Kings Landing, most likely to broker a deal or an alliance with House Lannister. Having prisoners with them could prove to be useful in negotiations…

Unsullied soldiers in Formation

Unsullied charge and attack against Lannister men (most likely)

Infiltrated Unsullied open the Gates (of Casterly Rock) to other Unsullied outside.

Daenerys Targaryen overlooking her ancestral home island.

Jaime Lannister is seen in what seems to be a defeated Lannister unit. Fire everywhere suggests that Daenerys’ dragon(s) have caused considerable damage to the Lannister troops, and Jaime is here making a bold run towards his enemies…

This fiery explosion seems to be on a Greyjoy vessel during the potential naval battle between both factions of House Greyjoy.

Tormund attacking what is most likely a wight or a White Walker Beyond the Wall.

A horde of Dothrakis attack, with a little help from their leader’s dragon

Theon and Yara Greyjoy looking scared in what seems to be flames or explosions during a naval battle against their uncle in open waters.

A Greyjoy ship being destroyed by fire…

… with some seen jumping ships away from the fire.

A Lannister phalanx, most likely ready to defend against the horde of Dothraki charging towards them.

Jon Snow and his group seem to be surrounded by Wights in this shot… Jon Snow still looks up and seems unphased by the dead surrounding him.

Grey Worm and Missandei share a kiss

Tyrion Lannister looking worried. Why? We don’t know yet. But judging by the other shot of him earlier in the trailer, this seems to be in Dragonstone as well

Judging by the size, we would say this is the Hound. There’s a Lannister soldier behind him and the sun is shinning. This is most probably in Kings Landing where the many factions left are to meet to discuss the real threat lurking Beyond the Wall. Jon Snow is probably behind this meeting, and so the Hound joins him there before (or after) their adventure Beyond the Wall. Queen Cersei has the Hound’s older brother Gregor “The Mountain” Clegane as her Queensguard. Maybe this will be a short tease for the infamous “Cleganebowl”…

Jon Snow and his new right hand man Davos Seaworth in what seems to be the shores of Dragonstone. A potential meet between the 2 Targaryens?

Jon Snow fights off against another White Walker. It’s guaranteed to be Jon since the swords are clashing and not shattering, so it’s definitely Jon’s Longclaw made of Valyrian Steel that can kill the Walkers.

A Dothraki rider flees the flames. Daenerys’ dragons do not worry about friendly fire it seems.

This looks like a defeated Theon Greyjoy on the shores of Dragonstone. Maybe he survives the battle at sea against his uncle?

Speak of the Devil: Euron Greyjoy doing what he does best, killing other sailors on a ship.

Daenerys rides a larger than ever Drogon

Drogon gives us a Colgate Smile
The Wolves And The Winds Of Winter

A group of 12 people, led by Jon Snow in circle formation to face what is most likely a horde of Wights and White Walkers heading towards them…

A lone rider storms off Beyond the Wall. All throughout this portion of the trailer, Sansa Stark’s voice is heard saying:
“When the Snows Fall, and the White Winds Blow, The Lone Wolf Dies, But The Pack Survives” – Sansa Stark

Jon Snow faces more Wights. We surely hope the flames in the background were provided by one of Daenerys’ dragons for the battle….