Penguin Random House had announced in July a 20th Anniversary Illustrated Edition of George R.R Martin’s Epic Masterpiece “A Game Of Thrones”. The first book of the “A Song Of Ice And Fire” Series was released 20 years ago and sparked 4 following books, with 2 more coming along the way in order to complete the Fantasy Saga.
To commemorate it, they decided to re-release it as an illustrated edition, akin to how some editions of Tolkien’s “Lord Of The Rings” books are released. The illustrations, all approved by GRRM himself can serve as an aid to the reader. Vanity Fair magazine released a report with 10 images that will appear on the book when it gets released. Some of these might look familiar to fans of the saga as they were tied in to the Fantasy Flight Game of the same name.
The Iron Throne

Now THIS, is how GRRM had imagined the Iron Throne to look like. Forged from more than a thousand melted swords of Aegon Targaryen’s enemies, the throne is described to be anything from 10 to 16 feet high, as well as bulky and imposing to those who stand in front of it. The HBO series had it made in a much more conservative way, even having Varys and Littlefinger throw jabs at it: “There’s not even 1,000 swords in there”, “I’d say two, three hundred at most”.
Beyond The Wall

The opening chapter of “A Game Of Thrones”, three brothers of the Nights Watch, Ser Waymar Royce, Will and Gared, are patrolling beyond the wall. After encountering a group of slaughtered wildlings, they get ambushed by the Others (White Walkers in the HBO Series). This depiction of the Walkers is more in line with how GRRM had they pictured. Taller and more statuesque than men, with more glow to them that symbolizes and projects their cold aura of eternal winter.
Among The Crows – Bran Climbs In Winterfell

The raw, direct and completely unpredictable cliffhanger at the end of this chapter can be seen as the very first “WTF” moment in the entire series where readers begin to get hooked. Bran Stark, after being warned by his mother not to do it, continues to climb and jump all over Winterfell’s towers and rooftops while his father, the visiting king, and his men are out hunting. After stumbling on the queen and her twin brother going at it, and getting caught for it, we get to witness the first moment that makes this book, and this series completely unpredictable: “The things I do for Love”, as Jaime Lannister pushes Bran off the balcony, hoping to kill him in the process and pass it off as an accident. All the subsequent events stem from that one particular moment.
Daenerys Targaryen And Her Wedding Gifts

Daenerys Targaryen’s wedding to Khal Drogo marks the beginning of her journey into regaining the Iron Throne back. Still a soft spoken teenager with no real world experience, having been in hiding all her life, she is now the center of attention in this Targaryen/Dothraki union. Ilyrio Mopatis, who had sheltered her and her brother in Pentos offers her 3 Dragon Eggs, which will yield her biggest assets once the first book ends. An exiled knight from her homeland, Ser Jorah Mormont, offers her a book of the history of Westeros and its families. Her new husband would offer her the gift she cherishes the most then: a white stallion for her to mount with the Dothraki horde once they are to return to Vaes Dothrak.
Ned Stark And Arya

The moment when Ned finds Needle in Arya’s room and confronts her about it. While he may be reluctant at first, she convinces him to keep it since it’s a gift from Jon, and she identifies with it moreso than with sewing and all the girly things Septa Mordane has her and Sansa do. Afterwards, he gets her a private tutor, in Syrio Forel, to teach her how to wield it properly. Before Jaqen H’ghar, the Faceless Men, and before Syrio Forel, Arya’s first teacher is and will always be her honorable father Ned.
Ned Stark And Jory Cassel

This scene happens just after Jaime Lannister confronts Ned and his men as they exit Littlefinger’s brothel where one of Robert Baratheon’s newborn bastard is sheltered. The argument over Tyrion Lannister’s capture at the hands of Ned’s wife, Catelyn Tully, turns into a bloody fight where all of Ned’s men, including his trusted protege Jory Cassel, die at the hands of Jaime Lannister and his guards. That moment was completely ommitted in the HBO series. An injured Ned looks at the corpse of his trusted bannerman, slain at the hands of Lannister men.
Khal Drogo Gives Viserys Targaryen His Golden Crown

“A Crown For A King”: another pivotal moment where what seemed to be an important character in the grand storyline gets killed the earliest. Viserys’ arrogant demeanor eventually reached a point where the Dothraki had had enough of him. Threatening to kill his pregnant sister Daenerys with a blade in the holy city of Vaes Dothrak was a big no no. Khal Drogo decided to offer him the “Crown” he was promised by throwing melted gold right onto his head. It was another pivotal point for Daenerys, as she realized that her older brother was “No Dragon”. A moment that will increase her confidence in the story.
Ned Stark’s Execution

THE Moment that shocked readers in 1996, as well as show watchers in 2010. What seemed to be the main character of the story, with the most POV chapters in the book, gets the unthinkable happen to him. As we witness the scene through Arya’s POV, we only wish that some miracle will save him and confirm his plot armor. Turns out that George RR Martin had it planned from the start to shock and terrify the readers, as he had Ilyn Payne cut off Ned Stark’s head, with his very own Ancestral Sword too might we add. This event will shape the rest of the events in the story, and launch the “War of Five Kings” which will continue for the next 2 novels/seasons.
The Hound And Sansa

Having already confined to Sansa his history with his older brother Gregor “The Mountain”, and the origin of his scars, the Hound wipes the blood off Sansa’s face after the hit she took from a Kingsguard at the orders of Joffrey. The treacherous King tormented her into staring at the head of her father and septa attached to spikes at the gates of the Red Keep. One of the first of many events where Sansa gets abused and tormented by the Lannisters. At least the Hound sees the innocence in her and does his best to be kind to her.
The Red Keep In Kings Landing

Approved by GRRM himself, this drawing is a more accurate portrayal on how the writer envisioned the seat of the Royal Family in Kings Landing to look like. Right on the edge of Blackwater Bat, the imposing castle stands tall, high and mighty.
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