As with every other episode, “Dragonstone” ends with a short teaser for its follow up, “Stormborn”. You can watch it here:
And Here’s what to expect
Councils All Around

Now that Daenerys has reached Westeros and reclaimed Dragonstone, he arrival is most definitely shaking the realm. The teaser begins with Jon Snow counselling with his bannermen, and it is Lord Royce, of the Vale that suggests against trusting a Targaryen.

Cersei is then heard and seen saying something similar, that the “Mad King’s Daughter” is here to destroy the realm

Meanwhile, back in Dragonstone, Yara Greyjoy suggests using her fleet and the dragons to sail towards Kings Landing and attack right away while they still have the element of surprise.

All while Dany looks at her fleet from the War Room
Another Reunion?

A wolf is seen showing its fang at what seems to be, judging by the next shot…..


Could it be Nymeria, the direwolf she had abandoned in the second episode of the first season? It would make for a very touching reunion.
Yara Greyjoy and Ellaria Sand Get It On

These two are probably getting it on while on their way to Kings Landing. Little do they know Yara’s uncle is sailing nearby…
Littlefinger Gets Choked

Judging by the shots in the trailers, it is most likely a conflict between Jon and Littlefinger in the Crypts of Winterfell. Will it be over Baelish’s attempts at creating tension between Jon and Sansa? Or could it be about Jon’s true Parentage? If Littlefinger is aware that is….