Artist Hilary Heffron from Hilarious Delusions has made these stunning artwork of our favorite Game of Thrones Character rocking modern tattoos.
Jon Snow

The Bastard of Winterfell? Or The Prince That Was Promised? The Stark AND Targaryen Tattoos on each side tend to lean towards the latter…
Daenerys Targaryen

The Mother of Dragons spits that Dracarys (Dragonfire)
Khal Drogo

This one should come as no shocker, seeing the Dothraki Warlord rocking Tribal and Horse themed tattoos, even moreso considering his portrayal by Jason Momoa.
Tyrion Lannister

You know it’s hard out there for an ‘Imp!! Tyrion lets it be known
Arya Stark

A Girl Has A Pun, a Direwolf, and Needle. A Girl will have a hard time being No One…
Margaery Tyrell

That “Smirking ***** from Highgarden” rocks the flower, and reminds us of her ambitions: to be THE Queen!
Oberyn Martell

The Red Viper of Dorne reminds us of his Sigil and his words! “Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken!”
Ramsey Bolton

What better way to honor the family’s tradition of flaying, than by having a flayed arm tattoo. Having “Myranda” crossed off and replaced with “Sansa” is also a nice touch.

Of course she had to have “You Know Nothing Jon Snow” tattooed on her..

The current Lord of the Vale. His tattoos remind him that everyone is a pawn for him to move in the game, and that only the ladder is real
Tormund Giantsbane

Mammoths and Bears for this Fierce Wildling from Beyond the Wall…