It All Started With Jon Snow’s Fate

I guess we’ll know the answer to that when Season 6 airs… (This IS a Spoiler Free Article)
Then Stannis’ Claim To The Throne

The One True King still has doubters to his claim. Some even say he may even still be around…..
Obviously, Rogers Got The Starks Involved…

Involving the family in the argument: Not Cool Captain. Not Cool….
Which Led To The Age Old Argument Of Books vs. Show

Enough you 2: They are now considered to be 2 Separate Entities, both of which are highly enjoyable in their own way. Some changes from the books were good, other changes from the books were awful.
And The Books’ Most Hyped Theory Came Into Play.

Oh Cap is wrong here. GET HYPE!!! Cleganebowl is Most Likely Happening!
But Then The Issue Of Daario Naharis Came Up

None had the blue beard and golden mustache so technically…..
And Then Robert’s Rebellion As Well…

Thrones are won sometimes. The so called “Usurper” fought and won his during Robert’s Rebellion.
The 2 Avengers Differ On Who The Real Player Of The Game Of Thrones Really Is:

We still don’t know what either of these 2 are REALLY up to so……
They Even Argued About Which Valyrian Steel Sword Is Better…

Well, Ice was reforged into Widow’s Wail and Oathbreaker, and Longclaw was used to kill a White Walker: Longclaw Wins!
And Which Continent!!

One wins in terms of size, the other in terms of diversity
Obviously, They Had To Argue About The Mountain’s Multiple Casting Choices…

Too many characters got recast at that point…
And His Most Recent Victim

That’s a Low Blow Steve… Low Blow!
Cap. Even Has Something To Say About The Horrific Events Of The Red Wedding

Well, as much as everyone loves the Starks, Rogers is correct here. The hints are everywhere when you watch Season 2 and 3 a second time.
But This Is Where Most Would Disagree With Him…

Let’s not mention the Sand Snakes again, please!
Technically, Both Are Correct Here

To Cap’s defense, this was Before the Events of Season 6 Episode 2, “Home”…. At least Joffrey Baratheon is dead. Ramsey Bolton might die sooner than ever…
And THIS Is Where Both Men Had Had Enough….

Captain America: Civil War comes out in Theaters on May 6th In North America, right as Game Of Thrones airs its 3rd episode of the 6th Season, “Oathbreaker”. Which Side Are YOU On?