It’s no surprise that Game of Thrones fanhood extends into all areas of our lives, including pet ownership. More people than ever are inspired to name their animals after key characters. But it’s not just one Khaleesi after another–there’s lots of creativity involved, beyond the most popular names! Here are a few ideas to get you started, from
Dog Names for GoT Fans

The Direwolves

It’s easy to forget about the direwolves we don’t see as often. In addition to Summer and Ghost, think of Grey Wind, Lady, Nymeria, and Shaggydog. Not a bad array of options! (And there’s always Drogon, Rhaegal, and Viserion, if it’s bigger creatures you’ve got your eye on.)
Favorites are Fine

Do you have a favorite character, big or small? Whether you love Catelyn, Daenarys, Robb, Ned, or smaller characters like Gendry or Benjen, think through the name and whether it works for your pet. If it’s long, is there a good nickname? Is it too similar to names already in your household? Is it unique enough? Consider a favorite as a front runner in the “best name” race.

Who would Khaleesi be without Missandei and Jorah? What would the Starks do without Brienne? Think of the characters who serve and support their leaders, and enable the game to go on. Bronn, Podrick, and even Hodor often go unsung.
Be a Rebel

Who says heroes’ names are the only options? Naming your pup after an odious villain could be a fun, irreverent way to indulge your inner dark side. Besides, you love Game of Thrones because the characters are complex and multifaceted. No one is all good; is anyone all bad? Even Jaime learns and grows over time.
Ramsay, Tywin, Melisandre–any one of these names are sure to spark fascinating and heated debates with your friends, and complement the right puppy personality in a unique way!
Off the Beaten Path
There are tons of smaller characters who deserve to be raised from their shadows. You can also branch into last names, like Mormont, Targaryen, Sand, or Martell.
And why not look to the books for characters who didn’t make it onto the screen. Don’t they deserve to be immortalized, too? Belwas, Victarion, and Coldhands are just a few ideas.

Names don’t have to come from people or creatures. Winterfell, Dorne, or Casterly could all make excellent names. Study a map and see what strikes you.
Your Turn

Do you have a favorite realm of the GoT world? There are the women of the night, like Shae and Ros; the Iron Islands; the great North; the Dothraki…the extensive characters and places, and the sweeping narratives attached to each, are what make the show unique.
The sky is the limit, and the careful thought you put into your pet’s name is sure to be rewarding. It’s a mark of the love and care you show your pup, and it reflects the core of your imagination.
Written by Nat Smith, community member. Rover is the nation’s largest network of 5-star pet sitters and dog walkers.