Here’s what to expect in the following episode of Game of Thrones. First things first, here’s the preview that was shown after Episode 6:
Brynden Tully And Jaime Lannister Confront Each Other

Laying Siege to Riverrun, Jaime Lannister, sporting a Lannister armor for once, is seen negotiating with the Blackfish who has retaken his family’s keep, and lets the head of the Lannister Army know: As long as he stands, the war is still on…
Edmure Tully Hostage

Using the knife with which he killed his nephew Robb Stark’s wife and unborn with, Walder Frey’s son is holding Edmure hostage, most likely to negotiate with Brynden for a surrender of Riverrun.
Sansa, Jon And Davos Begin Recruitment

The Bear Sigil in the background reveals that Jon and Sansa are in Bear Island to get the Mormonts to join their cause and reclaim the North. Davos lets them know of the imminent threat of the White Walkers coming from Beyond the Wall, and that the North Must be secured first before that battle…
Starks And Wildlings

Expect a motivational speech from Tormund to rally the Wildlings to Jon and Sansa’s cause. He died for them, he reminds them. And they would be cowards not do to likewise. Judging by the trailer that was shown, the Wildlings will most definitely join the Starks in fighting the Boltons at the end of the season.
The Greyjoys In Volantis

The Greyjoy Banner and Ships are seen near the Great Bridge of Volantis, where Tyrion was captured by Jorah Mormont last season. They discuss their plans to retake the Iron Islands, and maybe…. Reach Danerys Targaryen before their uncle. The former, still unaware of her dire need for ships once she returns to Mereen.
Bronn And Jaime In Riverrun

Good to see Bronn back at Jaime’s side, helping him aid the Lannisters Army against the remaining Tully forces. By the looks of it though, it does seem that they are shocked by what’s in front of them. Or could it be WHO is in front of them…
The Broken Man…

The title most definitely refers to Septon Meribald’s speech to Brienne in “A Feast For Crows” about how he, and the Hound are “Broken Men” who have found peace with the Faith after a life of turmoil and violence. Pertaining to the Gravedigger Theory, the title almost confirms that the Hound, yes Sandor Clegane, shall return as a member of the Faith, led by Ian McShane’s character. Mentions of the Brotherhood without Banners in the last two episodes is also no coincidences, so expect to see Thoros of Myr somewhere in the mix as well…
All the Hints that The Hound Returns Are Here

Another possible event in this episode, as Davos, Sansa and Jon ride in the North (Melisandre riding with them), is them encountering Stannis’ camps before his defeat, where Davos finds the stag gift he gave Shereen and sees the pyre where she was burned alive; most likely creating tension between him and Melisandre