The seventh episode of the sixth season of Game of Thrones, “The Broken Man” picks up after the events of “Blood of My Blood”. New characters were introduced, and old characters came back to the fray. The main theme of the “broken man” can be applied to many characters in the episode: Brynden Tully, Theon Greyjoy, House Stark, newly introduced character Brother Ray, who was once a warrior and now found redemption, and last but not least, this character we thought had died in the season 4 finale:
Sandor Clegane Is Alive & Well

As we had predicted, Sandor Clegane is still alive and well. Brother Ray, played by Ian McShane, found him where he was left for dead in Season 4 and attended to his wounds once he found out he hadn’t yet died. Sandor now lives a life of relative peace, doing “honest work for honest wages” under the guidance of the brother, who was a ruthless warrior himself he confesses to him and the group later in the episode.
Lady Olenna Fears For Her Granddaughter

Lady Olenna Tyrell discusses with a more conservatively dressed Margaery. Having Septa Unella around makes the Queen of Thorns nervous, as she despises the fanaticism of the Faith Militant. She tries to talk some sense into her granddaughter and her recent choices with regards to the Faith. Margaery is clever enough to slip a note to her with a rose, the Tyrell’s sigil, revealing that she is indeed playing the Faith’s game and is not an actual believer of what is being professed. This information comforts Lady Olenna who chooses to then leave Kings Landing for her safety.
The Wildlings Join The Starks

Tormund delivers a speech to the Free Folk on how they should help Jon in his fight, the same way he helped them in theirs one season ago. With so few Wildlings left, less than 2,000 able fighters, their fate is dependent on them fighting the Boltons for Jon. Should they not, the North under the Boltons will eradicate them, if the White Walkers don’t arrive first.
Jaime Arrives At Riverrun

Finally following the canon of the fourth book, Jaime Lannister arrives at Riverrun with 8,000 men, and Bronn, to a poor siege from the Freys in Riverrun. Bronn, as usual, cracks some jokes on how pathetic the Freys are handling the situation, as they attempt to have Brynden Tully surrender by threatening his nephew’s life. Jaime takes complete control of the siege and orders trenches to be set up, so that a proper siege can be set to the Tullys.
Jaime Confronts Brynden “The Blackfish” Tully

Jaime walks to the moot and gets a parley with Brynden Tully. The characters meet for the first time, however, Brynden knows of the deal Jaime had made with his nice Catelyn back in Season 2. Jaime doesn’t have neither Arya nor Sansa. The Blackfish makes it clear to the Kingslayer: As long as he stands, the war isn’t over. He was born in this castle. He’s ready to die for it. The Tullys have enough provisions to last 2 years, something Jaime clearly doesn’t want nor have at his disposal.
Yara & Theon Greyjoy In Volantis

After stealing the best ships from the Iron Fleet following their loss at the Kingsmoot to their uncle Euron Greyjoy, Yara, Theon, and the Ironborn make a pit stop in Volantis. They are heading for Mereen to meet the Dragon Queen and offer their fleet to her in order to take the Iron Islands back. Theon is completely shaken, and his sister shakes him up in order to have him return to being the true Iron Born he was, not the broken man he now is.
Sansa & Jon Seek Help From The Glovers & The Mormonts

In Bear Island, home to House Mormont, Jon and Sansa ask for fighting men from Lyanna Mormont, Jeor Mormont’s niece, and a (fierce) child of ten. She does not seem convinced at first, despite Jon’s reminder of the letter she had sent to Stannis one season earlier: House Mormont only knows one King in the North, whose name is Stark. It is Davos however, that convinces the little girl to aid them, so that the North can be united as one front when the real threat, the White Walkers, attack. Sadly, she can only supply 62 (fierce) fighting men to their cause.
Jon Wants To Attack Sooner Than Later

Jon, Sansa and Davos arrive in Stannis’ old camps, strategically located near a Winterfell, and covered on one side with a mountain. Jon decides he wants to hit as soon as possible before another storm hits the North, to which Sansa disagrees, as they lack the numbers for now.
Sansa Seeks Littlefinger’s Help

Not convinced they can win this battle due to their low numbers, Sansa writes a note after seeing ravens in the camp. She is most certainly asking Littlefinger to help her and march his 5,000 Knights of the Vale to come to her aid in Winterfell. Will Littlefinger help Sansa? Or will he betray the Starks again, as he’s done many times before?
Arya Gets Stabbed By The Waif

After finding a sailor that can get her back home to Westeros, Arya enjoys her last moments in Braavos. As she admires the Titan, the waif, passing as an old lady stabs her multiple times in the gut before she can push her off and jump into the canal. A wounded, and paranoid Arya walks in the streets of Braavos, looking to heal, and maybe strike back at the Waif and the Faceless Men.
The Brotherhood Attacks, The Hound Is Back

Brother Ray gives a soliloquy to his group about his earlier life as a warrior and murderer, how he found peace within himself afterwards, and how it’s never too late to start again and do good deeds. They are interrupted by three riders from the Brotherhood without Banners, still wrecking havoc in the Riverlands. Sandor recognizes them and warns Ray about their faith to the Lord of Light, which would make this group a potential target for pillaging.
As luck would have it, the group gets slaughtered by the Brotherhood while Clegane was cutting wood away from them. He returns to find them all dead, Brother Ray hung in the structure they were building.

The last shot of the episode is Sandor grabbing an axe. He is returning as his old self, the Hound, to seek revenge for his latest mentor and attack the Brotherhood.