The 6th Episode of the 6th Season of Game of Thrones gave us 2 comebacks from characters we hadn’t seen in quite some time. While the buildup towards war in the North was put on hold, the turmoil in Kings Landing, as well as Beyond the Wall were the main centerpiece. That, and along with the introduction of the Tarlys, Samwell’s Family.
Bran And Meera Flee From The Walkers And The Wights

Following the events of the 5th episode, “The Door”, Meera is dragging a still warging Bran away from the Weirwood Tree and the Wights running after them. As she relentlessly tries to get further away, Bran is warged into visions where he experiences many events of the past and future. Among them are, his father’s execution, the Red Wedding, the rebirth of Dragons with Daenerys, the Tower of Joy battle between his father and Targaryen Kingsguards, the White Walkers converting Craster’s sons into one of their own, the Battle of Hardhome, as well as the Fist of the First Men (at the end of Season 2) and….
The Mad King In The Flesh

The Mad King ordering his maesters to “Burn Them All” with Wildfire during Robert’s Rebellion, before Jaime Lannister shoves his sword through his back, earning him the “Kingslayer” moniker he’s been called throughout the entire series. It is truly the first time we get to see the Mad King portrayed in the series.

He wakes up, as they both realize it’s too late, and that might be where their journey ends. Until, that mysterious figure in a horse (from the trailers) shows up and burns any nearby wights before saving and taking them away.
Benjen Stark Returns

The mysterious hooded figure, substituting for Coldhands from the Books, turns out to be (Uncle) Benjen Stark, which we hadn’t seen since Season 1, where he had gone on a ranging mission North of the Wall. He tells his story on how White Walkers killed him and his party, and how the Children of the Forest saved him the same way they created the Walkers: with Dragonglass. He was spared to let Bran know of his duty: to become the Three Eyed Raven himself, and be ready for the Night King when he goes to attack the Realm of Men.
Samwell And Gilly Arrive In Hornhill

Samwell, Gilly and Little Sam arrive in Hornhill, the Tarly’s seat, in a carriage. They are greeted by Sam’s mother Melessa and sister Talla, while his father Randyll and brother Dickon are out hunting. The women of House Tarly are very kind and welcoming to Sam’s return along with Gilly and Little Sam’s presence. Things will not be the same once the Patriarch returns that evening for dinner…
Meet Randyll Tarly

At Dinner, Randyll Tarly is as mean and as belittling to his son Sam in a similar way Tywin Lannister was with his son Tyrion, with regards to honor of the family. The Tarlys are fierce warriors, and are the only ones to have defeated the Baratheons early during Robert’s Rebellion, hence Randyll’s take no prisoners approach to life. An approach that always made him resent his son’s passion for books and knowledge, rather than to wield a sword on the field.

We are introduced to another Valyrian Steel sword in the realm, Heartsbane. The Tarly’s family sword was to be passed down from generation to generation, and Randyll would have never allowed Sam to be the next in line for that honor. Gilly, to defend Sam, lets Randyll know of his son’s prowess both at the Wall, and Beyond its borders, killing a Thenn and a White Walker. Dickon and Randyll are reluctant about it all. She unfortunately reveals that she is a Wildling, which Randyll despises. After too many insults, Melessa, Talla and Gilly leave the dinner table, disgusted at how Randyll could treat his son as such.

Samwell gets the last laugh though, as he grabs Gilly and Little Sam, and decides to not leave them in Hornhill, making sure to grab Heartsbane with him, to spite his father. Becoming a Maester of the Nights Watch, and given that Valyrian Steel kills White Walkers, Sam taking Heartsbane might be a smart move in the long run.
The High Sparrow Converts King Tommen And Queen Margaery

At the Sept of Baelor, King Tommen and the High Sparrow have a talk with regards to Margaery’s upcoming walk of atonement. He allows to see her, where she reveals that she has accepted the Faith for what they stand. She plays to Tommen’s love for her in order to avoid a walk of atonement. While the Sparrow says there is no other way, the former will prove to be false after Tommen’s decision to join himself.
Jaime Lannister And The Tyrells Come For Margaery

A tense scene occurs in Kings Landing, at the Sept of Baelor, as Queen Margaery is about to begin her walk of atonement. Jaime Lannister, in Kingsguard armor, along with a Tyrell Soldiers Brigade led by Mace Tyrell arrive just in time to interrupt the walk, Lady Olenna stands on the sideline to watch. It is then that the High Sparrow shows his ace up his sleeve, and reveals that King Tommen has joined the Faith, having outmaneuvered both the Tyrells and the Lannisters.

Looks like Artist ertacaltinoz had this prediction right. This stunning artwork he did dates from at least two months before the premiere of the season, and is pretty spot on, minus the Faith’s tattoos on Margaery’s wrists.
Jaime Lannister Is Dismissed From Kings Landing

For his attempt on the Faith, Ser Jaime is dismissed as a Kingsguard in Kings Landing. Given his loyalty to both the Crown and his house, he is given a chance to head to the Riverlands and take back Riverrun from Brynden Tully. Cersei convinces him to lead the army, as their father Tywin Lannister would have wanted, and let her deal with her trial by combat with the Faith, knowing well, the Mountain has her back on the matter. Jaime’s arc from the Books is finally coming together this season.
Walder Frey Returns

Westeros’ Worst Wedding Planner is back this season, angry at his two sons for having lost Riverrun to the Blackfish, Brynden Tully, who had already escaped the Red Wedding to begin with. Walder feels the humiliation such action represents, and will stop at nothing to have the Riverlands entirely under his control. He orders them to take it back, using Brynden’s nephew Edmure, captive since his wedding night at the Freys, as a bargaining chip.
Arya Eyes Her Target

Watching yet another performance from the Mummer’s Troops, Arya sits in the audience as they render their version of the Purple Wedding. Lady Crane, who portrays Cersei in the play in a favorite of the crowd. Arya notices Bianca, the other actress that hired the Faceless Men to kill Lady Crane, rehearsing her lines, should the time come for her to take over the role.

She poisons the Rum and before she can run away, is intercepted by Lady Crane who recognizes her, having attended three performances already. Arya shares her thoughts on how Cersei would behave after her son died, having known the Queen’s ruthlessness and undying love for her children. It is after her interaction with the actress that she has a change of mind and warns Lady Crane of Bianca’s intentions via the Faceless Men.
Arya Betrays The Faceless Men

The Waif sees all this and asks Jaqen/The Kindly Man to finish her off, since she has proven herself not to be ready. A prepared Arya, always Arya, never ever did she believe to be “No One” and let go of her identity, picks up her Sword Needle from where she had it hidden in rocks near the House of Black and White. She has it ready, knowing the Faceless Men are to come for her. Maybe the Mummer’s Troop will help her leave Braavos once she runs away from the Faceless Men, maybe even fight the Waif and kill her with Needle, something her various training montages this season could have been leading to…
Daenerys Rides Drogon, Names Her Bloodriders

As they ride away from Vaes Dothrak, Daenerys discusses with Daario about her plans to take what is hers, along with the newly acquired Dothraki Horde. They will need over a thousand ships though, an issue they’ll deal with once they return to Mereen and realize the fleet was burned down by the Sons of the Harpy in the first episode of the season. She hears noise and orders the khalasar to wait for her while she checks it out, only to return riding her Dragon Drogon. She names each of the Dothraki following her as her bloodrider, rather than just 3 per Dothraki tradition, and hears their vows of fealty on her mission to take back the Seven Kingdoms.
So looks like Benjen Stark is Coldhands from the books. No wonder they cut the character from the show to keep the surprise.
Too Many Characters and Plots, Hard to follow.
They don’t call each other by name often enough/.
I Binge watched the first 5 Seasons and I still don’t know
half the Characters names!
Then again I am 75 and can’t remember half of my family’s Names!