Jon & Sansa Reunite At Castle Black

A resurrected Jon Snow had abandoned his duties as Lord Commander of the Nights Watch when the last episode ended. Here, he is seen wearing his Stark clothing he hadn’t worn since he had arrived at Castle Black in the First Season.

The first Stark reunion since Catelyn and Robb in Season 1 was sure to bring some tears of joys to the viewers. Even though he and Sansa never got along in the past, at Sansa’s own admission, the happy reunited half brother still wants nothing more to do with fighting. That would include fighting the Boltons South of Castle Black, or the Army of the Dead coming from Beyond the Wall
Stannis’ Death Is Confirmed Once More

Davos asks Melisandre what her plans are, now that Jon Snow has abandoned his post as Lord Commander. She now believes he is the Prince that was chosen, and not Stannis, hence she will follow him and his words wherever they may be.
Brienne doesn’t hesitate to interject and confirm that she saw Stannis lose the Battle of Winterfell herself, and had him confirm the use of blood magic to kill his brother Renly. All before executing him.
Littlefinger Manipulates The Lord Of The Vale

Littlefinger returns to the Vale to see Robyn in (very poor) training mode under Ser Waymar Royce’s watch. Royce confronts Baelish on why Sansa Stark has wed Ramsey Bolton in Winterfell, and why she is not in the Fingers, Baelish’s home, where he had claimed he would take her.
A Machiavellian Baelish turns it around on Royce by lying and claiming their transport was ambushed by Bolton men, who seemed to know where they were and who they were transporting.

Having Robyn wrapped around his finger, thanks to the rare gyrfalcon bird he offered him, Littlefinger has the Lord of the Vale and his solider turning on Royce for (false) treason. At Littlefinger’s mercy, and interest mostly, Royce is spared, for his experience in Battle will be needed when the Knights of the Vale march North to “Join the Fray”
Tyrion Uses His Diplomatic Skills In Mereen

At Tyrion’s request, representatives of the Masters of Yunkai, Astapor and Volantis come to Mereen to discuss a potential peace between them. Using his own upbringing as a member of the richest family in Westeros, Tyrion lets them know that while ending slavery overnight was not a wise move from the Queen. A
n offer is made for them to end their use of the practice within 7 years, along with immediately ceasing to fund the Sons of the Harpy. An offer that lets Missandei and Grey Worm somewhat confused, given their hatred for the Masters.

When he’s done with the Masters, he now confronts the liberated slaves about the meeting that just occurred. The former slaves do not seem convinced neither, as they do not believe in peace between themselves, and a group of men that will always look at them as “Not Human”, as Grey Worm points to Tyrion.

Hopefully, Tyrion understands that he’s in a pickle: the last time a character in Game of Thrones tried to united two groups that had been hating each other for thousands of years, that character got killed (and yes, later resurrected, but still).
Jorah And Daario Arrive In Vaes Dothrak

Jorah knows the Dothraki way, hence why he heads for Vaes Dothrak with Daario Naharis. Leaving their weapons outside the city, as the laws of the sacred city entail, they sneak in at night and try to save Daenerys, but not before encountering two Dotharki bloodriders that Daario kills with no remorse. They find her outside the temple where she instructs them to trust her and let her go with her own plan that night.
Margaery Is Reunited With Loras

Margaery is summoned by the High Sparrow to discuss the motives of the Faith, and the sinning ways of the nobility for which she belongs to. After listening to him, he allows her to briefly reunite with her brother Loras. He is completely beat, and has completely given hope, wanting it all to end. Margaery seems to be the strongest one of the two Tyrells, as she asks him to remain strong for yielding to the Faith, makes the Faith win.
Cersei Confronts Her Son, The King, About The High Sparrow

After kicking Pycelle out of the room, Cersei has a serious talk with Tommen about the High Sparrow and the danger he now represents for the Crown and the Lannister Family. The King accidentally reveals that he spoke with the High Sparrow, which Cersei uses to her advantage in order to find more, and make sure her son is on her side with what she has planned.
The Small Council Agrees With Cersei And Jaime

Cersei and Jaime interrupt another small council meeting, this time without Ser Robert Strong, to make it less intimidating. They come to an agreement that Margaery should under no circumstances be paraded as Cersei was. The Tyrells have the second largest army in Westeros, and they should march to Kings Landing to fight the Faith before Margaery is about to atone.

Tywin had planned the marriage of his grandson(s) to Margaery Tyrell in order to unite the two families. It is refreshing to see the plan finally come to fruition as both families share the same common enemy.

Expect a bloodshed in Kings Landing soon, as that shot from the trailer showed.
Theon Returns Home

Theon finally reaches Pyke, learning of his father’s death, and the upcoming Kingsmoot in the Iron Islands. His sister is less than thrilled to see him, considering the men she lost trying to rescue him in season 4. After apologizing to her, he lets her know of his intentions now that he’s home: to help her win the Kingsmoot and rule the Iron Islands.
Ramsey Kills Osha

Ramsey summons Asha in his chambers and tries to get her to talk about why she served the Starks for so long. She lies and tells him she was forced to do so, or face death, which Ramsey knows not to be true. Reek had told him how Bran and Rickon had escaped Winterfell when he had control of it in Season 2.

The opportunity that Osha was looking for to grab a near knife and kill the Bolton bastard ends short as he picks up another knife he had concealed and stabs her in the throat.
Jon Snow Receives “The Letter”

The infamous “Pink Letter” that Jon receives from Ramsey before his death in “A Dance With Dragons” was pushed forward for after his reunion with Sansa. Sharing an awkward dinner between Brothers of the Nights Watch, Wildlings, Sansa and Brienne, he reads it aloud to his horror when finding out they have their brother Rickon prisoner.
The Bolton army equipped with over 5,000 men, the Wildlings having just over 2,000 capable of fighting, Jon finally finds a purpose: to gather the many other families of the North, loyal to the Starks, and reclaim Winterfell from Ramsey Bolton.
Daenerys Burns The Dosh Khaleen To The Ground

The pivotal moment of this episode, where Daenerys is to stand before all the Khalasars on her fate. The many Khals present do not bite their tongue and confirm they want nothing to do with her, even considering selling her to Yunkai for 10,000 horses. Khal Moro, with some shred of honor left, suggests her to remain with the Dosh Khaleen where she should have been all along.

Daenerys is obviously not having any of it, and offers them a chance to let her rule them, as she stands in the middle of the temple, 4 pillars of fire surrounding her, and the many Khals. A few insults too many and she proceeds in doing what Targaryens are notoriously known for: burning them alive and watch them suffer as “Fire Cannot Kill A Dragon”.

She comes out unscathed, her clothes burnt, just as she had in the first season’s finale, to a population of Vaes Dothrak kneeling before her. Daario cannot believe his eyes. Jorah on the other hand, knew what to expect.