The third episode of Season 6 of Game of Thrones, “Oathbreaker” aired on May 8th 2016. The title easily refers to the resurrected Lord Commander of the Nights Watch, Jon Snow, and his decision throughout the episode to “break an oath”, even though he technically isn’t. The Nights Watch is for life, and ends upon a brother’s death. Jon did indeed die, yet now has a second chance at life ahead of him…
Jon Snow Assesses His Resurrection

The episode starts in total darkness, just as Jon Snow would see it, only to fade to a bewildered Davos who just cannot believe what he is seeing: Jon Snow has returned from the dead. Melisandre cannot believe what she has done as well, as she enters the room.
Jon might have doubts about his second coming, the Red Woman tells him of the Prince who was Promised, and that wasn’t Stannis. Jon also confirmed what Beric had told Melisandre in season 3: “There is no other side. Only Darkness”

Many women drooled at this opening shot….
The Nights Watch And The Wildlings Embrace The Second Coming Of Jon Snow

After Davos gives him a pep talk on why he has returned, Jon comes out to see the Wildlings led by Tormund, and his Brothers of the Nights Watch, led by Dolorous Edd. Edd wants to make sure it’s the same person he’s talking to. So far it seems so. Nevertheless, Jon is still shaken by the events, and might need time to reassess the situations.
Daenerys Returns To Vaes Dothrak

Following her capture from the Dothrakis, and her introduction to Khal Moro in the first episode, Daenerys, Khaleesi to the late Khal Drogo, must be taken to the temple of the Dosh Kaleen where all the widows of fallen Khals are to spend the rest of their days. She gets informed of the consequences she might endure due to not having joined the temple immediately after Drogo’s death.
Sam And Gilly Travel At Sea

Sam is sea sick on the trip to Oldtown. He and Gilly talk about the Citadel and how he might not be able to aid her once he starts his training to become a maester. He lets her know of his plan to bring her and little Sam to his home of Horn Hill, under the care of his family. His father Randyll might be cruel, but his mother Melessa and his sister Melessa are nice and would take care of them both. Plenty is to be expected from the Tarlys once Sam hits home this season…
The Tower Of Joy Flashback

Bran and the Three Eyed Raven travel to the Tower Of Joy at the end of Robert’s Rebellion. There, they witness the events of this final moment of the rebellion that might reveal the biggest secret in the entire series: Jon Snow’s parentage.

The Three Eyed Raven even mentions Howland Reed being present, and him being Meera’s father. Ned Stark, Howland Reed and 4 of his bannermen confront 2 Targaryen Kingsguard (7 Northerners and 3 Kingsguards in the book). Ser Arthur Dayne confronts them on the oath they must keep, despite their (mad) king and his heir being slain at the Trident and in Kings Landing.

In the end of the battle that ensues, only an injured Howland Reed and Ned Stark survive. Screams from Ned’s sister Lyanna can be heard from the Tower. Ned heads there to find out more, only to be interrupted by “the wind”, his future son Bran calling him from the visions, his curiosity getting the best of him as well.
The Three Eyed raven deems it not the proper moment for Bran to know what happened after this battle, insisting he must know “everything” before hand. What really happened in that Tower, although predictable by the many hints the show and the books have laid over, is yet to be determined at a later episode…
Varys Recruits New Birds

Varys brings in Vala, the prostitute responsible for ambushing many Unsullied and Second Sons in Mereen following Daenerys’ taking of the city in Season 5. Rather than threaten her, which he technically does, he recruits her to become one of his informants in Essos and travel, along with her son Dom, to Pentos.
Mereen Council Discusses The Sons Of The Harpy Issues

Awkwardness initially strikes as Tyrion makes many attempts to break the ice between him, Grey Worm and Missandei. It is when Varys returns from his meeting with Vala that the council learns who funds the Rebellion of the Sons of the Harpy: the cities of Astapor and Yunkai, retaken by the Masters, along with the Slave City of Volantis.
Their next step, as suggested by Missandei, should make the local former master hear what needs to be said, in the language only they spoke and understood when in power: most likely fear and violence.
Qyburn Recycles Varys’ Birds

Qyburn now has Varys’ birds from Kings Landing at his disposal to use for intelligence, using sweet plums from Dorne as treats. Jaime, Cersei and Robert Strong enter his chambers, where it’s finally confirmed that Robert Strong is Ser Gregore Clegane.
Cersei urges Jaime to have patience with regards to the Faith, knowing a potential Trial by Combat between her champion and the Faith may be imminent.

A Trial by Combat he’s “looking forwards to see”, Jaime’s words are most likely a foreshadowing for another Clegane, Sandor The Hound, to return and fight for the Faith.
The Small Council Is Hijacked By The Lannisters

Kevan Lannister is now Hand of the King and is conducting a small council meeting in which Pycelle fails to bite his tongue and speak ill of Qyburn and the resurrected Mountain, only to be interrupted by Cersei, Jaime and the devil himself… The Tyrells are here as well, discussing what’s to happen to Margaery and Loras taken prisoners by the Faith.
The tension still pertains between Olenna and Cersei as they exchange heated words about Cersei’s presence in the small council. After forcing their hand to stay, due to Jaime being the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, Kevan and the Tyrells leave the council.

Ser Robert Strong almost made Pycelle crap in his robe, making him drop gas upon his entrance…
King Tommen Confronts The High Sparrow

The Boy King confronts the High Sparrow in the Sept of Baelor, accompanied by his Kingsguard. What starts as a tense moment as Kingsguards and Faith Militant are ready to have a go at each other, ends up as a discussion about motherly love. The High Sparrow calls off his men, followed by Tommen with his Kingsguard.
The High Sparrow, in his calm comforting voice, just might convince the King to follow the Faith and turn against his “evil” mother, even more so if Margaery does so as well to get back at Cersei, and join the new power in Kings Landing.

This, out of many other speculations in season 6, might become a reality…
Arya Is Becoming No One, Gains Her Sight Back

A Blind Arya continues her training under the Waif inside the House of Black and White. She undergoes another questionnaire where lies get her hit by a stick. It first occurs when she mentions having 4 brothers, a lie, considering Jon isn’t one of her brothers.
Another hit comes after speaking of the Hound, for when she omits to mention taking him out of her list of names, and from claiming him to be dead. This could be added to the many other hints that The Hound might not be dead after all.
Ramsey Receives A Gift

Back in Winterfell, the new Warden of the North, Ramsey Bolton, receives a visit from Smalljon Umber, the son of Greatjon Umber, who had had his finger bitten off Robb Stark’s Direwolf in season 1 before pledging allegiance to the Starks in the War of Five Kings.
The new Lord Umber doesn’t play games and isn’t here for traditions and oaths. The wildlings Jon Snow has let through the wall are a great concern to him, since his house is located further North than Winterfell.

To show good faith to the Boltons, he unveils his “gift” to Ramsey: Rickon Stark and the wildling Osha, that had seeked asylum at the Umbers during the War of Five Kings in Season 3. To prove the Stark heritage, they had Rickon’s direwolf Shaggydog beheaded. A third Stark Direwolf has fallen…
Jon Snow Avenges His Death

Edd comes to Jon, informing him that it’s time: time to deal with the traitors. All four mutineers are held up, rope on their neck, awaiting their imminent execution. The Lord Commander allows them to say their last words before swinging Longclaw to serve justice and avenge his own death.

Many fans had been waiting for this to happen.