The second episode of the sixth season of Game Of Thrones “Home” aired on May 1st 2016. Lots of tension could be found in what will undoubtedly be considered as one of the best episodes in the series; even more so considering the events to come ahead later this season. The show decided to venture further into flashback territory and has given the answer all the fans, books and show alike, had been waiting for with regards to Jon Snow.
Bran’s Visions Of The Past

The episode starts with Bran Stark having visions of the past with the aid of the Three Eyed Raven. They find themselves in Winterfell watching Bran’s father Ned and uncle Benjen, both children, training in the courtyard. A happier time in Winterfell when even young Hodor, real name Wylis (Walder in the books), could muster complete sentences.

It is also the very first time in any medium where we encounter Ned’s sister, Lyanna Stark, riding on a horse as her two younger brothers spar. She even mentions that Ned is soon to go to the Eyrie, where he will build his lifelong friendship with Robert Baratheon under the tutelage of his future brother in law, and Hand of the King, Jon Arynn. Seeing that Bran is too emotionally attached to this vision, the Three Eyed Raven brings him back to the cave where he warns him about “swimming under the sea” for too long.
The Wildlings To The Rescue

Alliser Thorne gave Davos an ultimatum to him and the other Brothers of the Nights Watch in the room to surrender before nightfall. Greatly outnumbered, Davos and the crows, accompanied by Ghost, are ready to attack, when Wildling Giant Wun Wun suddenly crashes the door of Castle Black. The Wildlings, under the guidance of Dolorous Edd, come to save the day. Outnumbering Alliser and his Brothers of the Nights Watch, they surrender, while Olly and Thorne are taken prisoners.

But not without spilling some blood. Wun Wun doesn’t mess around as this poor Brother of Nights Watch found out….
Ser Robert Strong Means Business

After a drunkard is heard talking bollocks about him and the Queen, her recent humiliation by the Faith giving him the false sense of confidence to do so, he is confronted by Ser Robert Strong of the Kingsguard as he takes a leak in an alleyway. Ser Robert Strong has vowed to eradicate all of her graces’ enemies, and slanderous drunks are most certainly fitting the description.

He smashes this head like it was a puny melon…

On the Kings’ Orders, Cersei is not allowed to leave the Red Keep to attend Myrcella’s funeral. This creates a tense moment between Lannister Soliders following orders, and Kingsguard Robert Strong, vowing to destroy anything that stands in Cersei’s way
Jaime Taunts The High Sparrow

After Jaime convinces the King to go see his mother to make amends, the High Sparrow enters the Sept and confronts the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. Jaime taunts him by confessing his sins and asking what his own atonement would entail. It is when the Faith Militant appears that Jaime takes note of the strength the Faith might have, choosing to trade space for time, an inevitable battle to occur at another time.
King Tommen Seeks Forgiveness From His Mother

The Boy King finally meets his mother since her capture in Season 5 and asks for her forgiveness. The King is aware of the lack of strength that was needed of him when his mother and wife were imprisoned. He asks her help as well to aid him “Be Strong”.
Tyrion Frees The Dragons

Knowing the many setbacks of having dragons kept in captivity from his vast knowledge on the matter, Tyrion decides they should be set free. Having them in captivity like the Targaryens did in their later years would hinder their growth. They could also come in handy in Slaver’s Bay, now that Astapor and Yunkai are now back in the hands of the Slave Masters; Mereen is soon to follow suit if nothing is done.

Being an avid fan of dragons since he was a child, Tyrion opens the doors of the cave and proceeds to give the viewers one of the most tense scenes in the entire series so far. Walking towards the two chained dragons, not knowing what to expect, he’s able to sweet talk them into letting him detach their chains from their neck: The dragons have found freedom again. Having the Dragons act somewhat docile towards Tyrion will raise some eyebrows for those that believe in the theory that Tyrion might be a Targaryen bastard himself..
Blind Arya Continues Her Training

Arya is still blind and still begging in the streets of Braavos, recovering from the beating the Waif gave her in the previous episode. As expected, the waif returns and offers her another beating with her stick, asking her if she really is “No One”. The kindly man (Jaqen H’ghar) asks her 3 times what her name is, to which she gives the same answer “A girl has no name”. He then gives her a chance to leave the streets and return to the House of Black and White.
Sansa Stark Heads North

Sansa and Brienne discuss her brief encounter with her sister Sansa at the end of Season 4, where Arya refused Brienne’s help. Sansa seems relieved knowing that her younger sister is, as far as her and Brienne know, still alive, even though still missing. Theon expresses desires to return home, since he knows Jon Snow will not forgive him the evils he has committed to the Starks in Season 2 and 3 (Betraying Robb, burning the farm boys and passing them as Bran and Rickon, beheading Ser Roddrik Cassel.
Ramsey Is The New Lord Bolton

Harald Karstark, the son of the late Rickard Karstark who was beheaded for treason by Robb Stark in season 3, pledges his allegiance to House Bolton. Roose Bolton discusses with him and Ramsey the next steps to unite the North and find Sansa Stark, a key piece in that endeavor. Ramsey suggesting to attack Castle Black and kill Jon Snow, another living Stark member, despite being a bastard, drives his father mad. The Nights Watch has always been neutral in the conflicts of Westeros. Attacking it would make them lose the support of many Northern House.

New of Lady Walda giving birth to a healthy young boy becomes the straw that breaks Ramsey’s back. With not hesitation, he thrusts a dagger right through his father’s stomach as Harald Karstark and Maester Wolkan watch. Harald remembers Roose Bolton not interfering with Robb Stark’s execution of his father, and for that he lets it happen.
Ramsey Releases The Hound

Just when we thought Ramsey couldn’t be a more horrible person, he goes ahead and makes Joffrey’s actions against Robert’s bastard in season 2 look decent. Trapping Fat Walda and her newborn in the Kennel’s house, he ruthlessly releases them on his step mother and new born brother. “I prefer being an only child” he lets them know in a cold and heartless tone as they ravage the poor Frey girl and her newborn.
Balon Greyjoy Is Assassinated

A scene that was to happen 2 seasons ago, the War of Five Kings finally has its fifth king die. Whereas in the books Balon’s death is described as an accident that could have been an assassination, the show decides to remove all suspicions and have his brother Euron Greyjoy perform the deed and kill his older brother by pushing him off a connecting bridge in Pyke. Quite a way to introduce the Crow’s Eye: “From Old Town to Qarth, When Men See My Sails, They Pray!”
A Kingsmoot Is Under Way

Now that the King of the Iron Islands is dead, a new leader needs to be put in charge. Unlike the other Kingdoms in the realm, the Iron Islands do not follow the family lineage for their next leader. A Kingsmoot, as told by the Drowned Priest to Yara Greyjoy, is under way, where each potential candidate present themselves, and are elected by their peers. Expect her uncle Euron to step up as well.
Melisandre Still Has Doubts About Her Faith

Having been at odds many times in the series for differences of opinions, Davos and Melisandre actually find a common truce and discuss her faith and the (former) Lord Commander’s fate. She reveals how she has doubts about her faith now that her visions came out false, yet Davos believes there could be something to be done. She lets him know of her encounter with Red Priest Thoros of Myr in Season 3, and Berric Danderrion he had resurrected six times over. Davos believes it’s worth the shot.
Jon Snow Returns From The Dead

Tormund, Edd, Ghost and Davos present, Melisandre begins her ritual on Jon Snow’s Body. She wipes the (Royal) blood from his corpse, cuts his hair, and feed them to the fire, all while reciting the “words” in High Valyrian. The very same words Thoros would use on Berric are now being said by Melisandre, but to no avail. Repeating “For the Night is Dark and Full of Terrors”

Tormund is the first to leave as it seems the ritual is not working. The rest, even Melisandre follow, leaving Jon’s corpse alone in the room with Ghost. It is when Ghost starts to get agitated that the most awaited moment in the entire series occurs:

Jon Snow is reborn!
What To Expect In Episode 3 “Oathbreaker”

Now that Jon is back, he can leave the Nights Watch, as his vows ended upon his death. The Wildlings will most likely follow him into battle and take him for their leader.

Ramsey mentioned that the Umbers have pledged their allegiance to House Bolton. Smalljon Umber, the son of Greatjon Umber, loyal to the Starks throughout Seasons 1-3, has already been cast. Another thing to remember: Rickon Stark went in hiding to House Umber in Season 3 after splitting ways with Bran on his quest to go North. The “Gift” given to Ramsey will most certainly be the last known remaining Stark boy to be a hostage for the Boltons.

Bran will have Flashbacks of the Tower Of Joy. Ned Stark and his men are seen confronting Targaryen Soldiers at the end of Robert’s Rebellion. With the second episode revealing Lyanna Stark, Jon Snow’s resurrection, and Tyrion with Dragons, maybe the biggest secret and most spread theory about Jon Snow’s parentage will be revealed then…