Game of Thrones has one again proved why it’s the best and most popular TV Series ever with its finale of its 6th Season. Following the battle filled mega opus that was the last episode “The Battle of the Bastards”, the series concluded its current stories, along with setting things up for the next seasons to come.
Cersei’s Plan Has Begun

The episode begins with Cersei preparing herself for her trial, or at least that’s what is being led to believe. King Tommen and Queen Maergery also get prepared.

Ser Gregor Clegane intercepts the King and has him held up. It’s obvious at this point that Cersei had plans that involved the safety of her son to be of primordial importance.
Loras’ Trial

Loras confesses to his crimes and chooses to renounce his claim to Highgarden and instead join the Faith. His sister Margaery views that the scarred mark of the Faith on his forehead is mutilation, and that it interferes with whatever plans she had in dealing with the Faith herself.
Wildfire In The Sept Of Baelor

As the rumor had predicted, and as Bran had foreseen in his visions, stacks of Wildfire left from the Mad King Aerys were still left over Kings Landing, in many of the big monuments too. She has the Sept of Baelor burn to the ground, and along with it many characters, including Mace, Loras and Maergery Tyrell, her uncle and cousin Kevan and Lancel Lannister, the High Sparrow and most of the Faith Militant.

With the daunting sound of organs and high pitched piano, the scene gave off a similar feel as the baptism scene in The Godfather, with Cersei filling in for Michael Corleone doing her deeds as her enemies are taken away one after the other.
Tommen Disagrees With His Mother’s Choices

Seeing the horrors caused by his mother, and after realizing he was no longer in charge, Tommen abandons both his crown and his life, leaping to his death from his balcony in the Red Keep. What would have caused massive hysteria in Cersei just a few seasons ago was now just another pile of ashes to the destruction she had already caused, ordering Qyburn to burn him and add the ashes to where the sept once stood. His death confirms his mother now as a ruthless and cruel woman with nothing left good in her: A Mad Queen.
Samwell Arrives In Oldtown, Begins His Training

Samwell, Gilly and Little Sam arrive at the Citadel in Old Town just as white ravens are sent to announce that Winter has Come. Errors in communication and lack of updates from Castle Black results in Bureaucratic stalls between Sam and the Maester holding reception. Nevertheless, until the ArchMaester review the case, Sam is free to use the library.

We got a stunning look at the recreated Library of Old Town, filled with the exact same atrolabes lighting it in the same way it lights the opening credits of each episode: the Citadel watches all. Sam should most likely find some old scriptures from the Long Night along with reports and information on dealing with the White Walker threat coming from Beyond the Wall. That is if his father Randyll doesn’t reach the Citadel first to reclaim Heartsbane, the family’s Valyrian Steel sword Sam took from the family keep in Hornhill in “Blood of my Blood”.
Jon Banishes Melisandre

Davos confronts Melisandre with Jon present with regards to the sacrifice of Shereen Baratheon in the previous season. Confessing to the crime, and justifying it as word from the Lord of Light, she nevertheless gets banished from Jon out of the North. She is warned not to return North by both Jon and Davos, which most likely means she will return, maybe with the Brotherhood without Banners who’s heading North to fight the Dead, the Hound among their ranks. Let’s also hope that this honorable gesture doesn’t backfire on Jon, the way honorable gestures have always backfired on Starks. If Jon were to die, she is no longer here to bring him back.
Dorne & Highgarden Unite Against The Lannisters

Ellaria having taken control of Dorne, she invites a reluctant Lady Olenna Tyrell still in mourning after the destruction of her house by Cersei Lannister. Lady Olenna delivers a spew of witty comments to shut each of the Sand Snakes up. Agreeing on having the same enemy, and a potential new ally to bring vengence and justice to the lions, Varys makes his entrance, representing House Targaryen in Mereen, on its way to Westeros eventually.
Tyrion Is Hand Of The King Queen (Again)

After listening to Tyrion’s advise on not bringing Daario Naharis to Westeros, and instead have him watch over the newly renamed “Dragon’s Bay”, Daenerys seeks council from Tyrion. She had a pin made for him and proclaims him the Hand of the Queen, a title Tyrion had worn proudly and competently in season 2. He is back where he belongs.
Littlefinger Reveals His True Intentions

Being one of the most enigmatic characters in the entire series, Petyr Baelish has decided to come out about his true intentions this entire time in the series: He wants the Iron Throne, with Sansa at his side (since his original choice, Catelyn, has died).
Arya Is Batman…. Or The Punisher….Sort Of

A child born of a wealthy family, whose parents die, travels the world to find meaning and purpose, ends up being trained by a group of assassins, only to leave them for disagreeing with their way of doing things. Indeed it is Bruce Wayne’s story, but also Arya Stark’s as well. Having left Braavos and the Faceless Men, she is now back in Westeros on her quest to complete her list of names. Or at least whichever names are left in it. Walder Frey seems like a good target to begin her quest of punishment to those that have wronged her and her family; in the very same manner her mother had been killed in those halls.
Bran Sees His Brother Cousin Jon’s Birth

Bran finally gets to see the last moments of the events that occured at the Tower of Joy at the very end of Robert’s Rebellion. All the hints from the books were confirmed, and the “Bed of Blood” she had been found in was due to child birth. Asking her brother a promise, a son born of her and the fallen Prince Rhaegar Targaryen would have had his life in danger had the new King, Robert Baratheon, learn of his Targaryen heritage. This set the motion for Ned Stark sacrificing his honor for the love he bore for his sister; protecting her son, his nephew from Robert’s wrath, but as his own bastard instead.

From what can be gathered of the words Lyanna tells her brother Ned: “Listen to me Ned. His Name is (Jon). If Robert finds out he’ll kill him. You know he will. You have to protect him. Promise Me Ned! Promise Me!

The camera cutting straight to Jon Snow is a clear sign of the importance of the character, hence why the Lord of Light had plans to bring him back. He truly IS the “Song of Ice and Fire” (The name of the book series), combining Stark (Ice) and Targaryen (Fire) Blood.
A New King In The North Arises

The Lords of the Vale and the North are still reluctant about the Wildling presence in Winterfell, despite having won the Battle against the Boltons together. Lyanna Mormont follows through with tough, stern and righteous words on how the King in the North’s name is Stark. The fact that Jon is a Bastard (as far as they know) doesn’t bother them, since it’s still Ned Stark’s blood running through his veins, which is technically correct. The absentee lords, along with the rest pledge their swords to the New King In The North: “The White Wolf”. Only Littlefinger seems bothered by the events, which catches Sansa’s eye…
Jaime Reaches Kings Landing And Cersei’s Coronation

Back in Kings Landing, another Coronation is in effect: Queen Cersei is named protector of the Realm, as lineage should call it. Jaime arrives just in time to witness the destruction she has caused to get there, and doesn’t seem to pleased with the results. Expect tensions to rise between the Lannister twins, maybe even completing Cersei’s Prophecy with regards to her “Little Brother”…
Daenerys Prepares Her Conquest Of Westeros

Daenerys, allied with the Greyjoys, the Martells and the Tyrells is sailing to Westeros with her ships, her Dothrakis, her Unsullied and her Dragons. A conquest worthy of her ancestors is under way next season…
Theme Of The Episode: Sense Of Belonging

The recurring theme in this episode relied on characters finding their purpose or sense of belonging.
– Bran has accepted that he is the Three Eye Raven
– Arya is on her path of vengeance and justice for her fallen family. That smirk on her face as she slit Walder Frey says it all.
– Tommen didn’t belong as a ruler, and was meant to have Cersei driven mad. His suicide, as creepy as it sounds, was where he was to be.
– Cersei is where she should have been all along: ruling under the Lannister name.
– Sam is at the Citadel where he shall learn more on becoming a Maester, and maybe even find some valuable information on fighting the White Walkers.
– Jon has accepted that he must carry the Stark name forward, and the North with it. That is until he finds out his true heritage
– Tyrion is back at ruling and at wielding political power as the Hand of Queen Daenerys, on her way to Westeros. And this time he earned it. It wasn’t given to him because of his name.
– Daenerys is on track to return home and conquer Westeros.

The only one Not to have achieved his purpose, or be where he thinks he belongs remains Littlefinger. He and Cersei just might be the Main Villains of the next season. That is unless that role goes to Daenerys and her Martell/Tyrell/Greyjoy Alliance. In any case, Jon might be in danger with Littlefinger near him, Sansa having even warned him about not to trust him.