Now that Season 6 has started, we take a look at all the confirmed roles that have been cast all throughout the filming of the latest Game of Thrones season. New characters will be introduced, as well as younger versions of old favorites, with the season now entering into flashback territory.
Ned Stark – A Favorite Returns
A Younger Ned Stark will appear in season 6, with actor Sebastian Croft portraying the Quiet Wolf in a flashback scene which will most likely cover the Tower Of Joy fight between his troops and Targaryen Kingsguards at the end of Robert’s Rebellion
Young Hodor
To make up for no Hodor in Season 5, the show has decided to give the fans 2 Hodors this season. While Kristian Naim will reprise the role in modern times, actor Sam Coleman will portray a younger version of the beloved half giant.
The Three Eyed Raven
That one had been confirmed a while ago. Veteran actor Max Von Sydow will take over the role of Brynden Rivers, the Three Eyed Raven who aids Bran Stark in his training
Euron Greyjoy, The Crow’s Eye
Another One That had been confirmed and even shown in the trailers. Balon Greyjoy’s brother Euron Greyjoy will (finally) appear in the show and make the Greyjoy Storyline active again.
Smalljon Umber
The son of Greatjon Umber, a Stark bannerman whose hand was severed by Robb Stark’s Direwolf Grey Wind in Season 1, will be portrayed by actor Dean S. Jagger. While he dies at the Red Wedding in the books, in the show, he will take over his house and aid the Boltons in their false claim to the North. We know that Rickon was sent to House Umber for protection in Season 3. He will most likely be used as a hostage by the Boltons this season.
Bolton Officers
Actors Andrew Bryan and Tristan Heanue will both portray Bolton Officers in the upcoming Great Battle In The North.
The Tarlys

Samwell Tarly’s family has been cast. Expect to see some interesting interactions between the Maester in training of the Nights Watch, and his fierce family of warriors.
Randyll Tarly, Sam’s Father
Expect some heated exchange between the fierce warrior Randyll is and his son he saw to weak to be his heir. But then again, Sam did kill both a Thenn and a White Walker, maybe that’ll help get some approval from his father. Downton Abby actor James Faulkner will portray Randyll.
Melessa Tarly, Sam’s Mother
Sam’s mother is the exact opposite of her husband, and adores her son. Expect a heartfelt tear jerking reunion scene between the two. Actress Samantha Spiro will portray the Tarly matriarch
Dickon Tarly, Sam’s Brother
Sam’s younger brother, and now heir to Horn Hill since Sam took the Black and renounced his title, will be portrayed by Freddie Stroma.
Talla Tarly, Sam’s Sister
Sam’s younger sister also loves her older brother, unlike the men in that family. She will be portrayed by Rebecca Benson
The Dothraki

Daenerys is now captive of a Dothraki horde that found her at the end of Season 5. She is now their prisoner and will most likely be taken to Vaes Dothrak where she will meet other Khals and Dothraki soldiers
Khal Jhaqo
Khal Jhaqo, portrayed by Joe Naufahu, is a Khal that will take Daenerys to Vaes Dotrhak’ Dosh Kaleen, where all Former Khal’s widows are to spend the rest of their days.
Khal Rhalko
Actors Andrei Claude and Elie Haddad will also portray Dotrhaki Khals, Claude portraying Khal Rhalko. Maybe a conflict between Khals over the Khaleesi’s presence will ensue?
Bloodrider And High Priestess
A bloodrider is a Khal’s Right Hand Man. Diogo Sales will be a Bloodrider to Khal Jhaqo this season. Souad Faress, will play a High Priestess from the Dosh Kaleen in Vaes Dothrak.
Dothraki Warriors
Staz Nair and Chuku Modu will portray Dothraki Warriors.
The Mummer’s Troupe

A group of mummers (Actors) will appear in Kings Landing, and judging by the roles cast, will probably re-enact Cersei and Margaery’s encounters with the Faith, as well as Ned Stark’s betrayal.
The Mummer’s Manager And Cersei
Actor Richard E.Grant will lead the troupe and portray King Robert Baratheon, while Essie Davis will portray the humiliated Queen Regent Cersei Lannister.
Ned Stark And Maergery Tyrell
Another actor to portray Ned Stark, this time as a reenacted version by Kevin Eldon. Eva Butterfly will portray Queen Margaery Tyrell, still captive by the Faith.
Tyrion Lannister And Sansa Stark
With suspicions of King Joffrey’s Murder being a conspiracy by his uncle Tyrion Lannister and his wife Sansa Stark, actors Leigh Gill and Eline Powell will portray the two alleged schemers in the play.
Unknown Roles
Actors Brandan O’Rourke and Ross Anderson also join the troop of mummers, playing roles that are yet to be determined.
Ricky Champ and Margaret Jackman will portray a group of renegades. What they are running from is yet to be determined
Rowland Selwun, Alfred Hunrith
Actors Luke Roberts and Eddie Eyre have been cast as these 2 unknown characters this season.
Healtor Troop
The roles of these characters portrayed by Gary Wales and Sally Mortemore, also remain a mystery so far…
Iron Islanders
Now that Euron has been cast, we should expect more Iron Islanders to appear in the show. Robert Render will portray an Ironborn, while Adam Turner will probably portray one of Euron’s men in “Silence”, his ship where all men have their tongues ripped out.
Westerosi Sea Captain, Kesh
Kevin Horsham plays a Westerosi Sea Captain, whose ship is most likely to be pillaged by Euron Greyjoy’s fleet, maybe in an attempt to introduce the ruthlessness of the Crow’s Eye. No substantial info has been given on Kesh, portrayed by Michael Heath.
Mereen Mother, Other
Sabina Arthur plays a starving Mereenese mother that Tyrion tries to help in the season opener. Nothing is known on the role Eddie Jackson will play; probably a Mereenese master who challenges Tyrion while he reigns in Mereen.
Icelandic Band “Of Monsters And Men” will have cameo appearances in Braavos. Much like Metal Band Mastodon had a small cameo as Wildlings getting slaughtered in Hardhome in Season 5.
Unknown Roles
All these actors have been cast in roles that are yet to be determined…
Robert Aramayo, Matt Faris
Michael Patrick, Robert Fawsitt
Fergus Leathem, Michael Nevin
Red Priestess
While she’s not the one we see in the Trailers walking away from Tyrion and Varys, actress Melanie Liburd will play another Red Priestess of R’Hllor preaching the words of the Lord of Light.
Septon Maribald
Ian McShane being cast in Game of Thrones was big news. The veteran actor’s role hadn’t been determined, until he spilled some beans in “Pop Goes The News” where he revealed:
“I am responsible for bringing somebody back that you think you’re never going to see again. I’ll leave it at that.”
Should he be portraying Septon Maribald, or the Elder Brother, then it’s pretty clear that he’s bringing back this character…