Day In, Day Out

Hmm. Maybe the blue thing stinks because you’re always wearing it? Food for thought, J Bear with the pretty eyes.
Best Clap Back

The Motto of House Mormont: “Here We Stand”. Viserys tries to confront Jorah when he catches him stealing the dragon eggs in Season 1. Using his own motto to shut the Beggar King; one of Jorah’s most Badass moments.
Join The Club Daario

Daenerys friendzones another good looking man who has sacrificed his life for her! Welcome to the club, Daario. Take back all the mean jokes and taunts you’ve made to Jorah and play nicely together.
Sam The Man

Is Daenerys disappointed Jorah actually cured his Greyscale, or is she upset Jon and Jorah are now going to be friends over Sam curing him? We will never know.
Uncle Bear

This is basically how we’ve all felt while checking out a hot person walking away from us and having an okay-looking one turn around for a last look instead. Except Jorah is pretty cool, and Dany is just being overly picky.
But Most Importantly

This is all true. He needs to meet someone who is worthy is his love and won’t put him in the friendzone, locked up in a cage towards the back of the room.

Jon Snow returns to save the day! Much to Jorah’s annoyance. It’s ok, J Bear, there’s still a chance for you… hopefully!
T-Virus Creator

Jorah was a little bit of an overachiever here – he found the Umbrella Corporation and mass-produced the T-Virus, unleashing zombie-hell on Earth. Wait. How did he time travel?! Did Bran have a hand in this?!
Rock Hard Yet Smooth

Real smooth, Jorah. Real smooth.
Poor Jorah, Even Grey Worm Got Some…

In a world where even Grey Worm got laid, you have to be really unlucky to be stuck in the friendzone for that lo—oh, hey, Jorah!
Daenerys & Her Priorities

Daenerys really needs to sort out her priorities. Since when are flowers worth more than someone saving your life? This girl is seriously attracted to the bad boys, until she turns them good.
The GoT Frienzone Club

Jorah and Daario were friendzoned by the same woman, Littlefinger was frienzoned (and thankfully ordered to be executed) by Sansa Stark (thank you, milady), and Tormund is still friendzoned from having beautiful, muscly babies with Brienne of Tarth. We’re hoping the latter one escapes the friendzone soon. Sorry, Jorah. You’re kinda stuck in there.
Jon Snow Everywhere In Jorah’s Path

Jon Snow is basically every obstacle in Jorah’s current problems. But the last point hurts. It’s ok, J Bear, don’t let him see you cry…
Don’t Cry Jorah

J Bear! What did we say about crying? It’s ok! It’s not like we’re ever going to get a steamy sex scene between those two fine ladies… Even though we all thought we would for a minute there.
Sword Talk

Of course he’s talking about the sword, Jon. What else would he be talking about? What else does he care about so deeply and truthfully that he’d be okay with you looking after her and loving her? …It’s ok, J Bear.
Jorah The Pickup Master

Another one to learn the hard way that pickup lines just DON’T WORK….
Jorah “Khal” Mormont

In another Multiverse where George RR Martin doesn’t kill everyone…
Targaryen Beauty

Another hilarious meme from @incorrectGoTquotes where Jon Snow acts like quite the coquette…