To all you medical and psychology students and practitioners, here’s a quick list of characters from Game of Thrones, along with their proper medical condition or trait:
Sandor “The Hound” Clegane – Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

PTSD is an anxiety disorder linked to serious traumatic events. It develops after a shocking, often harmful, event has happened to a person. The thoughts or recollection of said events causes panic attacks in the person with PTSD. In the case of the Hound, his brother burning half his face when children, made him develop a total paralyzing fear of fire.
Tyrion Lannister – Napoleon/Small Man Syndrome

A known term to describe the inferiority complex that short men tend to possess. This causes them to overcompensate by putting more effort than men of regular height would. Tyrion says it himself to Jon Snow: “My brother Jaime has his sword, I have my mind. And a mind needs books, just like a sword needs a whetstone”
Gregor “The Mountain” Clegane – Sadism

A person who enjoys inflicting pain on others.

Need we say more?
Sansa Stark – Masochism

When a person obtains any sort of gain through tolerating mental or physical abuse from someone close to them. Poor Sansa has been a victim throughout the entire series so far. Hopefully, she can diverge from this path in season 6.
Joffrey Baratheon / Ramsey Bolton – Anti Social Personality Disorder

A mental condition in which a person’s thought patterns and perceptions are completely dysfunctional, maybe even destructive. They tend to treat others harshly, or with complete indifference and zero empathy. Both bastards here encompass these traits, making them hateable characters.
Robin Arryn – Oedipus Complex

When a child has too much affection towards the parent of the opposite sex, and resentment, even jealousy towards the parent of the same one. Robin Arryn is 9 in the story, and is still breastfed by his over protective mother Lysa. While not his fault technically, this can lead to personality issues with the Lord of the Vale later in his personal life.
Theon “Reek” Greyjoy – Catalepcy

Catalepcy is a medical condition that’s nervous in nature, and affects a person’s posture with rigidity of its muscles and limbs. After all the torture that Theon has endured at the hands of Ramsey Snow/Bolton, it is not surprising to have him completely inactive, regardless of what outside stimuli comes his way.
Samwell Tarly – Obesity

A compulsive eating disorder, and lack of physical activity, that lead to serious negative effects on a person’s health. In the case of Samwell Tarly, it even meant being disowned by his own (ruthless) father before being sent to the Wall.
Aerys “The Mad King” Targaryen – Pyromania

The Sickness of enjoying things (and people) burn. The Mad King was very fond of Wildfire, even considering burning the entire capital once the Lannisters sacked the city at the end of Robert Baratheon’s Rebellion.
Alliser Thorne / Jaime Lannister – Narcissism

When a person has an inflated sense of their own importance and complete disregard towards others, often seeing them as inferior to them. While Jaime Lannister before his capture fits that profile, Ser Alliser Thorne of the Nights Watch is a more subtle case of the condition. His speech to the Nights Watch when announcing the death of Jon Snow confirms it, as he centers most of it around himself.
Grand Maester Pycelle – Malingerer

A Person that fakes illness, or exaggerate symptoms, for personal gain or to avoid work and duty. To understand how this one works most with Pycelle, one needs to watch the scene in Season 2, Episode 10, where he confronts an injured Tyrion after the Battle of Blackwater Bay. It’s the only time in the show where he doesn’t fake his senile age.
A deleted scene from season 3, which should have made the cut, has Pycelle talking to Tywin Lannister. Tywin confronts him and lets him know he’s not fooled by Pycelle.
Tywin Lannister – Megalomania

Ruthless, amoral, highly ambitious with a thirst and lust for power. That’s Tywin Lannister to a T, as shown in these other moments in Game of Thrones.
Jorah Mormont – Obsessive Love

A state of mind in which a person feels an obsessive desire to possess a person to whom they feel strong attraction, with the inability to accept rejection from that very same person. Jorah has proved it many times that he is obsessed with Daenerys Targaryen, even saving her in the Fighting Pits of Mereen.
Lysa Arryn – Delusional Jealousy

Or Othello Syndrome as some would call it. The delusional condition when a person has irrational fears about their lover/spouse having an affair. With it come attempts at controlling, manipulating the person, and in some cases, violence
Bran Stark – Psychoticism

A generic psychiatric term in which a person starts losing contact with reality. Bran is now training to have visions through the Weirwood trees with the Three Eyed Raven. Even he warns him not to stay “under the sea” for too long, for he will drown should he stay too long.
Stannis Baratheon – Stubbornness

When a person will not bend nor compromise until their own personal agenda is met. The Baratheon’s smith Donal Noye, absent in the show, even says it himself when comparing each Baratheon brother to a metal: “Stannis is pure Iron. Hard and brittle. He’ll break before he bends”. Stannis is so consumed by his duty, it even makes him sacrifice his own daughter to achieve it.
Brienne Of Tarth – Masculinity Complex / Tomboyism

Or as Sigmund Freud worded it: “Penis Envy”. When a girl dresses and behaves like a boy to find significance in her life.
Petyr “Littlefinger” Baelish – Mythomania

Mythomania (or Pathological Lying) is a trait where a person tends to exaggerate stories, or flat out lie with no second thoughts to it, thinking everyone else is lying to them as well. Littlefinger has his own objectives to fulfill, and he doesn’t shy away at lying in order to obtain what he wants. Having Lysa lie to her sister Cat about the murder of the Hand of the King Jon Arryn, as well as lying to Cat herself about the Catspaw blade belonging to Tyrion Lannister, both occur in the very first season.
Oberyn Martell – Sex Addiction

Oberyn even says it himself “Make sure to have your fill before you’re old”. A constant craving for the flesh that can distract a person from his tasks and duties.
Cersei Lannister – Alcoholism

Excessive and compulsive drinking that leads to psychological and physical addiction. The Queen drinks more than ever, even her brother Jaime noticed it multiple times.
Arya Stark – Schizophrenia / Multiple Personality Disorder

“In order to become someone, a girl needs to become no one”. Arya Stark’s struggle with her own identity versus the one the Faceless Men want her to take creates this personality conflict within her. Schizophrenia
Jon Snow – Martyr Complex

Also known as “Victim Complex”, when a person exaggerates his own suffering or persecutions, wanting to become a martyr for his own sake. In some cases, attributing their persecution to an exceptional ability of their own. Jon being a skillful, castle trained highborn bastard puts him at odds with the rest of the Nights Watch when he first takes the Black.
Incorrect Diagnosis Alert –
Schizophrenia is *NOT* Multiple Personality Disorder. Dissociative Identity Disorder (previously known as Multiple Personality Disorder) is a completely different mental disorder, and is often misunderstood by the public due to innocent mistakes like this.
The correct heading on this would be Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personality Disorder), and nothing regarding Schizophrenia, since she doesn’t experience hallucinations (either auditory or visual) of her other personalities.
Thanks so much for understanding,
Jennifer (Mira) Douglas
(One of thousands diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder)
Thank you.
(in reply to Jennifer Douglas)I have a daughter with schizophrenia and it irritates me beyond belief to hear people think she has DID. -_-
Thank you so much for pointing that out. I was just about to make my own comment on the subject.
(in reply to Jennifer Douglas)Jaime is also not particularly narcissistic (unlike Cersei, although this is more pronounced in the books). Someone who ruins his reputation to save a city and jumps in a bear pit with one hand and no weapon to save someone is hardly narcissistic. Jaime suffers from his inappropriate family situation growing up, which led to his relationship with his sister and to its being unchecked after their mother’s death, which kept them but particularly Jaime from forming healthy attachments. He also is the only one in his family who loves all the other members and is used by all of them as a result. When bad things happen, he “goes away inside” (this is mentioned several times in the books and is more or less his advice to Brienne on the show). He was witness to horrors as a member of Aerys’ Kingsguard at 17 and thinks about it years later in his POV chapters in the books. He suffers from a form of PTSD.
(in reply to Jennifer Douglas)Some of these are not necessarily medical conditions… just personality traits. Narcissism in Jaime Lannister and Stubbornness in Stannis are not by any means medical conditions, and Jorah Mormont’s love for Daenarys is not “obsessive”; it’s just love. Also, Masochism is deriving pleasure from pain; although Sansa Stark has endured her fair share of pain, that doesn’t mean she likes it by now. Try to make the title less clickbait-worthy if you’re going to write an article like this. Otherwise, it’s good.
This, I was just about to write something along the same lines as this.
(in reply to Marco)Also, Arya isn’t schizophrenic, she doesn’t hear voices or see things that aren’t actually there. Plus theres nothing wrong with Jon Snow, he never tried to make a martyr of himself, everyone else did. He’s just a good guy and obviously people were seeing that.
Rewatch GoT or learn what actual medical diagnosis’s are.
Sanda was raped. She derived no pleasure from being raped and tortured, therefore she cannot be labeled masochist.
She wasn’t raped in the books so the point is very invalid. She doesn’t even Marry him at all.
(in reply to Maya)I would like to point out many of the aspects of this blog that are complete incorrect. I currently receiving my Master’s in Counseling and I have also watched the show and read all of the books, twice, so I have a very good idea what I am talking about. Much of what you have written here is offensive to those who actually have these conditions, because you have been so wrong.
1.) The majority of the “medical conditions” you listed were not actually medical, they were mental health conditions. That’s a huge difference, and while those in the psychological and counseling professions consider both to be equally as important, not making a distinction is not only wrong, but offensive to those with a mental disorder or illness.
2.) Sansa Stark does not have Masochism. Masochism is receiving sexual gratification from being hurt or injured by someone else. She never enjoyed all the times she was raped, tortured, or beaten.
3.) Robin Arryn does not have Oedipus Complex, due to the fact it does not exist. It was a term developed by Sigmund Freud to describe very young boys who are in love with their mother, and therefore, desire to kill their father. While it does accurately describe Robin to a point, Oedipus Complex has since been concluded by numerous counselors and researchers to not actually be real.
4.) Theon Greyjoy could not have Catalepsy, as it is naturally occurring. Theon developed his nervous and anxious traits through being tortured by Ramsey Bolton.
5.) While it is possible Aeryn Targaryen had Pyromania, it is significantly more likely, based on the books and the show, that he also had Paranoid Schizophrenia.
6.) Allister Thorne most likely did have Narcissistic Personality Disorder, but Jaime did not. Those diagnosed with this disorder typically feel little empathy, and numerous times Jaime has shown to not only feel empathy towards those around him, he has also been extremely kind and helpful when doing so would have gained him nothing. For example: saving Brianne from being eaten by a bear.
7.) Jorah Mormont does not have Obsessive Love, because that disorder doesn’t exist.
8.) While Delusion is a real condition, jealousy is not one of the possible aspects of it. Typically, delusions are a part of schizophrenia, and Lysa certainly does not have that.
9.) Bran Stark having Psychoticism is a stretch since it’s occurring due to having mystical powers instead of happening naturally, but I understand what you are trying to say here.
10.) Stubbornness is in no way a medical or metal condition. While Stannis Baratheon is incredibly stubborn, it is simply a personality characteristic.
11.) Masculinity Complex (or Penis Envy) is exactly like Oedipus Complex, it does not exist. Again, it was developed by Freud to explain very young girls who are jealous of the power men possess, and desire a penis. This theory has been proven incorrect numerous times, particularly by Katherine Horney (feel free to look her up), and was a horrible sexist and offensive way of describing women during the 19th century.
12.) Oberyn Martell probably did not have Sex Addiction, but I understand where you drew that conclusion.
13.) See the above comment on why Schizophrenia and Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personality Disorder) are not the same time. Making that assumption was incredibly offensive to those what have either of those disorders. Also, Arya Stark does not have either, because she is not delusional, nor does she have hallucinations. The concept of being “No One” has nothing to do with having multiple personalities. Being “No One” is an idea the Faceless Men have, and it is choosing to loose one’s needs and personal attributes to be a skillful assassin.
14.) Jon Snow does not have Martyr Complex as it is not a real condition or disorder. Choosing to sacrifice yourself for the greater good is not a condition. It is simply a personal characteristic that makes him incredibly heroic.
I hope that I helped you understand why what you have written is incorrect and potentially harmful to who are not as knowledgeable about these illnesses.
This comment says it all. Seriously. Absolutely incorrect, this whole article.
(in reply to Natalie Ricciutti)Shit diagnosis for wankers #shitdiagnosisforwankers
Have you seen the show? EVER?!
And labeling a rape victim as a masochist is seriously fucked up. Like so fucked up, I really worry about women left alone with the author. You’re saying the rape victim enjoyed being raped. That she really wanted it, deep down inside.
You sir are a fucked up shit.
As someone who actually is a masochist, the fact that you labeled Sansa as such, is absolutely ridiculous, and incredibly offensive on multiple levels
First, masochism is deriving sexual pleasure from having physical or mental pain inflicted on you.
Second, to label a rape survivor who very obviously did NOT enjoy being raped, as a masochist, is highly offensive and disturbing.
The key point, is that it is consensual, and desired! A masochist has consented to it, a rape victim has not!
So how dare you go and make claims that Sansa, a survivor of torture, both physical and psychological, and a rape survivor, is a masochist.
The proper quote is “a mind needs a book like a sword needs a whetstone” implying that a book sharpens a mind like a whetstone sharpens a blade.
Agree with other commenters – most of these “medical” conditions are psychological disorders or simply personality traits. That said, you missed some obvious conditions:
Tyrion suffers from Dwarfism. Like his sister he is clearly an alcoholic. Ditto Robert Baratheon. A Napoleon Complex is far more complicated, aggressive, and socially domineering than any behavior Tyrion exhibits. Tyrion has embraced who and what he is; he verbalizes this repeatedly and advises others to become as self-actualized as he is. If anyone has demonstrated a degree of Napoleon Complex in show, it’s Lyanna Mormont.
Cersei, The Mad King, and most obviously Joffrey are clearly sadists. Each derived sexual pleasure and immense gratification from hurting others. Joffrey’s only sexual behavior involved sadism; he never had any libidinous response without it.
Sansa, The Hound, Varys, Theon, Loras, Missandei, Grey Worm, Bran, and Jon Snow all exhibit signs of PTSD. Theon came to serve and defend his victimizer, a clear sign of Stockholm Syndrome.
Oberyn Martell’s promiscuity and unabashed sexuality/sensuality do not make him a sex addict. His desire for sex did not impede his ability to handle his business or interfere with functions of daily living. The same could not be said of King Robert Baratheon, who allowed his licentiousness to disrupt all facets of his life. Robert, Mace Tyrell, and Carts were/are also obese.
Jojen Reed had seizures and epileptic fits.
Hodor suffered from gigantism and speech aphasia.
Narcissism is evident not only in Alliser Thorne, but Cersei, Joffrey, and Petyr Baelish. Tywin Lannister was a textbook narcissist as well; subverting everything to his desire for the aggrandizement of himself, his power, and his name. Stannis also displays a healthy case of narcissism as well as a God Complex. He believed in his own divinity so fully he sacrificed his marriage, friendships, reputation, brother, wife, daughter, brother-in-law, and countless other courtiers and soldiers in service to it.
Littlefinger is not a mythomanic, which involves lying for no purpose at all. His dishonesty is neither compulsive or offhand; it always serves his larger design. In addition to being a narcissist Is also add antisocial personality disorder to his list of afflictions.
Jorah displays love but calling it obsessive is a stretch. He us able to function in the world in spite of his strong feelings for Dany. A better example of this is Lysa Arryn, who allowed her lifelong obsession with Littlefinger to drive her to murder and other manic behaviors. Like Selyse Baratheon she also displays indications of agoraphobia.
Ser Meryn Trant was not only a sadist, he was a pedophile. Ditto Walder Frey, who also enjoyed a healthy dose of narcissism.
Arya Stark demonstrates an increasing lack of conscience and what appears to be a burgeoning antisocial personality disorder.
Prince Doran suffered from Gout.
Qyburn shows all the signs of necrophilia. This is more apparent in book. Like Selyse Baratheon and King Robert, he also fetishizes the dead.
Sansa is definitely not a masochist. Can’t say the same for Ramsey’s lover Myranda who served as the perfect masochistic counterpart to the sexually sadistic Ramsay.
Both Jorah and Shireen Baratheon suffer from Greyscale, an infectious process similar to leprosy.
Bran Stark is not psychotic but he is a paraplegic following his fall. Euron Greyjoy fully qualifies as a violent psychotic. He sees and hears things that are not there and allows his delusions to dictate his day to day behavior. Also more clear in book but hinted at strongly in show.
Danaerys suffers from amenorrhea and infertility.
Jon Snow, Dolorous Edd, and Sansa Stark all show signs of depression at various times. Same for Ella Martell, who’s weakened condition following the births of her children suggest not only worsening physical health, but spiraling depression. She had a chronic condition of some kind that prevented her from traveling or later, getting out of bed even as a young woman in the prime of youth.
Lyanna Stark and Joanna Lannister endured puerperal fever for an indeterminate period and both died from it
These are ridiculous! Saying a person who is beaten and raped is a masochist is sick, for starters. How can you justify that? Schizophrenia is NOT the same as Multiple Personality Disorder at all, secondly. Obesity is not a psychiatric disease, but is a symptom of some of them. Good Lord, did you just Wiki a bunch of psychological disorders and just assign characters into them? Do your research!
Not even bothering to read these past “sadism” and “masochism.” Neither of those is a medical disorder, and shame on the author(s) for implying that they are. This entire listicle seems to function only to support the taboo on mental illness. Thumbs solidly down.
Sansa doesn’t suffer from masochism. Masochism implies someone who derives pleasure from physical pain. She is simply naive (in the books she is actually 12 years old at the start), and held as a captive throughout most of the show.
This is at best pop psychology at best