Tyrion Lannister At The Blackwater

When Stannis’ troops are at the gates, and all the Lannister soldiers have lost their morale after the Hound and Joffrey left, Tyrion is left as the only one to try and motivate them. He goes straight to the point and doesn’t sugar coat it. “These are brave men knocking at our door. Let’s go kill them”
Maester Aemon – “Love vs. Duty”

The speech where it is revealed that Maester Aemon is in fact the uncle of the Mad King Aerys. He understands Jon Snow’s dilemma to honor his vows, or break them to fight with Robb after their father Ned’s capture’s in Kings Landing. It would serve as foreshadowing on Ned sacrificing his honor for the love of his daughters, and even his sister now that the R+L=J theory turned out to be true.
Alliser Thorne – “Tonight We Fight!”

He may be hard on Jon, Sam and the other brothers of the Nights Watch, but this is why: to prepare them for when the real battle comes. The defenses on top of the wall seem to be in place, he returns to the ground level where another wildling ambush is coming from the south. His speech motivates the other brothers to fight for Castle Black, and never let it fall.
Oberyn Martell – “I Will Be Your Champion”

Oberyn has been wanting justice for the murder of his sister Elia and her children for close to 20 years now. Having Tyrion unjustly accused of regicide, and having him ask for a trial by combat, gives him that opportunity. Ser Gregore Clegane being the Champion of the crown, Oberyn volunteers to champion Tyrion in order to fight the Mountain.
Tyrion Lannister’s Speech In Mereen

Tyrion Lannister performs a great elevator pitch to the Mother of Dragons on why she would need his services should she decide to cross the Narrow Sea. He even gives her a sample of his work on Jorah Mormont, who brought him there.
Theon Greyjoy – “What Is Dead May Never Die”

Having betrayed Robb and taken Winterfell for himself, Theon is now surrounded by a northern force (which turns out to be Ramsey Snow and Bolton men). Refusing to let go, he utters this great speech to prep his men for battle. The speech is so good, that even the other Greyjoy fighters, who had already decided not to fight, let him finish it before knocking him out.
Daario Naharis – “Let Me Kill This Man For You”

Originally reserved for Strong Belwas in the books, this duel of champions at the gates of Mereen was given to the captain of the Second Sons. A pretty straightforward speech to Daenerys, he pretty much self deprecates himself in order to stand out more once the (pretty short) duel is done.
Daenerys Targaryen At The Gates Of Mereen

She freed the Unsullied from Astapor, and the Slaves from Yunkai. Now Daenerys is at the Gates of Mereen where she wants to let the common people know she is not their enemy, but rather, their liberator. Catapulting broken chains from the necks of former slaves also helps her prove her point.
Robert Baratheon Recalls His First Kill

King Robert Baratheon and Ser Barristan Selmy recall their first kill in battle. Robert’s was a Tarly boy during the battle of Summerhall, the first battle of his rebellion.
Alliser Thorne – “You Will Die Like Flies”

Furious at Jon for having the other recruits not touch Sam, since he can barely defend himself, Alliser confronts the two as they are cleaning the common room. He recounts to them of a six month excursion beyond the wall he was a part of during the last winter where the cold killed many of his men. He urges to toughen up or come next winter, they will “Die like flies”
Daario Naharis’ Story In The Fighting Pits

Even though Daenerys is now married to Hizdahr Zo Loraq for political reasons, that doesn’t stop her paramour Daario Naharis to flirt with her and taunt him while they watch the first fight in the re-opened fighting pits. Daario reveals his path as a warrior that started on those very same pits while Daenerys listens to him in awe.
Brienne Of Tarth – “Brienne The Beauty”

Following Sansa and Littlefinger in the North, Brienne opens up to Podrick on why and how she became a knight. How she was ridiculed as a girl for being taller and broader than others, until Renly Baratheon showed her kindness she had never experienced before.
Tyrion Lannister – “I Had A Wife”

The story of Tysha being left out after Tyrion’s escape was not met positively with book fans, especially when considering how well the entire story was brought for the show. In the tent before heading to battle, a drunk Tyrion, with Shae and Bronn, recounts the story of his first love and first wife.
Jaime Lannister On Vows And Honor

In this scene where he taunts Catelyn Stark on vows and honor, even though he is initially at fault for murdering and escaping, he does bring solid logical points that leave her speechless. How he taunts her on her late husband’s honor considering he fathered a bastard of his own is the last straw for her.
Cersei Lannister – “Story Of House Reyne”

Margaery Tyrell, now betrothed to King Joffrey Baratheon tries to weasel her way into the good graces of her new in-laws. Little does she know that Cersei is not one to play games with. The queen regent tells her the story of the last family that challenged hers in the past and how they are completely eradicated. Their only remains are words in “The Rains of Castamere”, the Lannisters song of battle.
Tywin Lannister – Story Of House Lannister

When Arya Stark, Tywin Lannister‘s cupbearer in Harrenhall asks Tywin about his father, he does something he would almost never do: open up about his family. Tywin explains in great detail how his father almost ridiculed the Lannister name. How he had to fight back and make it a name to fear and respect all across the Seven Kingdoms
Jon Snow – “I Never Knew My Mother

Jon and Sam are cleaning the common room in Castle Black and talk girls. Both are virgins, although Jon had a chance to break his with Ros, the redheaded prostitute Theon and Tyrion had a go to before she moved to Kings Landing. He explains how not knowing his mother made him not want to accidentally impregnate her and bring a bastard child to this world.
Sansa Stark Plays The Game Of Thrones

Littlefinger’s fate, after throwing Lysa Arryn out of the Moon Door relied on Sansa’s confession to the Lords of the Vale. It’s the moment she stops being a passive victim and takes charge, as she lies to them to save Littlefinger. Her crocodile tears when recounting her aunt’s death seals the deal.
Littlefinger – “Chaos Is A Ladder”

Of all the verbal sparring bouts between Varys and Littlefinger, this one stands the most. It’s the one where Littlefinger reveals his machiavellian approach to power and politics. The War of Five Kings is wrecking havoc in Westeros, and Littlefinger is climbing up the ladder amidst the choas around him.
Jaime Lannister – The Kingslayer Confession

A key moment in Jaime Lannister’s character arc, he confesses to Brienne why he broke his oath and killed the Mad King when his very job was to defend him. He also opens up on how it shatters him how many do not value the good that it actually brought the realm.
Tyrion Lannister’s Trial Confession

Devastated by Shae’s lies and betrayal, Tyrion, in a fit of rage, confesses how he really feels about the ingratitude of the people of Kings Landing. “I saved this city” he recalls, along with “I should have let Stannis kill you all”.
Khal Drogo – “I Will Invade The Seven Kingdoms”

A failed attempt on his Khaleesi and unborn child’s lives has angered the great Khal Drogo into finally deciding he will cross the Narrow Sea and invade the Seven Kingdoms for her. The entire speech in Dothraki truly captures the intensity of Drogo as a barbarian on a mission.