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Season 6 of Game of Thrones is less than a month away, and already many theories and speculations have seen fruition given that there is barely any source material from the books now to get references from.
Nonetheless, by examining HBOs First and Second Trailers for Season 6, and judging by the many released official photos, some pretty interesting theories were concocted by fans around the globe, along with some stunning artwork to go with it at times. Here are 15 that we believe sound either plausible, or interesting enough to occur if the case.
15 – The Tower Of Joy Will Reveal R+L=J? (Or Not?)

One of Bran’s flashbacks will be him watching his father, young Ned Stark, at the Tower of Joy at the end of Robert’s Rebellion. That scene, which was recalled as a dream from Ned’s perspective in the very first book, has been the source of many theories over the years. What was the promise he made to his dying sister while she “laid in a bed of blood” (A great metaphor for death at Childbirth)

Maybe R+L=J, that Jon Snow is the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark? Maybe she had twins, as depicted in this fan art, the other twin being Meera Reed. Since the only 2 survivors of this battle were Ned and his loyal bannerman Howland Reed, maybe this theory is close to true as well…
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14 – The “Prince That Was Chosen” Will Be Revealed?

We all saw Melisandre’s face in the season 5 finale: for the first time, she knew she was wrong. Her prophecies and visions were there, yet she had chosen the wrong one. Stannis is NOT the “Prince that was promised” to save men from the White Walkers and the Long Night, a theme that occurs a lot in the books, but hasn’t been emphasized as much in the series.

Tyrion even has a good quote about prophecies and “The Prince that was promised” in the 5th book when confronted in a similar situation: “Prophecy is like a half-trained mule. It looks as though it might be useful, but the moment you trust in it, it kicks you in the head” (A Dance With Dragons). He also points out: “Promised to who? Who said it was to the humans?”
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13 – Margaery, Maybe King Tommen As Well, Join The Faith

The shot in the trailer of Margaery kneeling to the High Sparrow, and that other one of Jaime with Tyrell soldiers confronting the Faith Militants at the Sept of Baelor might be a huge reveal.

Maybe the always hungry for power Margaery, to get back at Cersei, joins the Faith now that they’ve established their power and presence in Kings Landing. And also to get back at the Lannisters. Being the manipulator that she is, maybe she convinces the Boy King Tommen to join her as well, since he’s blindly in love with her… Take a look at that EW cover again, released just before the second trailer: Why is Margaery covered on her wrists?
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12 – A Red Priestess Helps Tyrion & Varys

Speaking of Red Priestess, a casting call had leaked for the role of a Red Priestess (Like Melisandre) that confronts Varys and Tyrion in Mereen. Maybe she will help them? But then again, the scene in question had Varys shut her down by letting her know the only King to accept the Lord of Light, Stannis Baratheon, was defeated by Tyrion himself in Blackwater (Season and Book 2), and had ultimately met his fate at the hands of the Bolton in the North.
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11 – Jaime Meets With Brynden Tully In Riverrun To Lift The Siege

The siege of Riverrun is a pivotal event in the books that has yet to occur. Instead of heading to Dorne to “Save the Princess”, Jaime heads to the Riverlands to confront, and maybe find a ceasefire treaty with the last rebelling factions of House Tully under Brynden “The Blackfish” Tully (Cat’s Uncle who survived the Red Wedding), still fighting to avenge that shocking event from Season/Book 3 at the hands of the Freys (And ordered by Tywin Lannister). This is where Jaime is developed even more as a character and becomes a strong leader and diplomat.
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10 – Davos Dies To Protect Jons Body (And Eventual Resurrection)

Remember the footage at the end of the trailer of Davos grabbing Longclaw, Jon Snow’s Valyrian Steel sword, to attack Brothers of the Nights Watch that are guarding the late bastard’s corpse, his direwolf Ghost at his side?

Davos says it himself, he’s “never been much of a fighter”. So maybe his bravery here will cost him his life…. (Hopefully not)
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9 – Tyrion Stops Drinking

This Official photo looks normal at first: Tyrion, the Gods of Tits and Wine is doing what he does best, drinking! But hold on a minute! Look again, he’s not pouring from the flask to his glass, but rather the opposite, he’s emptying his glass back into the flask. Maybe Missandei, Grey Worm, or Varys (Hell, maybe all three) call him up on cleaning up his act so they can rule Mereen more efficiently?
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8 – Arya Leaves The Faceless Men Returns To Westeros

As we saw in the trailer, Arya is still blind and now begging in the streets of Braavos. That clip of her getting slapped by the Waif inside the House of Black and White. Plus, there seems to be a solid emphasis on the Hall of Faces this season, as shown by the official Promotional Posters for the 6th season.

We also have this shot of Arya doing some Parkour in the streets of Braavos. Maybe she is running away from the Faceless Men? Maybe to Return to Westeros and finish the names on her list? One can hope….. Since the next entry just so happens to be on her list:
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7 – Walder Frey Gets His Due…

Come On! We ALL want to see this man get what’s coming to him. Maybe Arya when/if she returns to Westeros? Maybe Bryden Tully finds an arrangement with Jaime to allow them to avenge the Red Wedding? Maybe one of his many wives, sons, or daughters that have had enough of this old man’s crap?
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6 – War In The North (Bastardbowl)

That one is pretty obvious: A War for Control of the North will occur. The Boltons, still viewed as traitors by many families in the North, against an army of Wildlings teaming up with Northmen still loyal to the Starks. Maybe a Stark returns to claim the stolen seat of his family at the hands of Roose Bolton? (HINT: It’s Unlikely that we’re talking about Rickon Stark here…. Although He Will Return this season)
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5 – Cleganebowl (GET HYPE)

Some of you might say “Enough with Cleganebowl”, but hear us out: the hints ARE there! From the fact that the Hound is still alive and living in peace with some monks (The Gravedigger theory), and will represent the Faith in Cersei’s Trial by Combat. The resurrected Mountain, Kingsguard Ser Robert Strong will champion her. Another Clegane vs. Clegane Match is clearly in the horizon.

That short fight between the two Clegane Brothers during the Tourney of The Hand in Season/Book1 was just a Teaser for what’s to come between these two…
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4 – The Kingsmoot In The Iron Islands

With the announcement of Euron Greyjoy being cast (although without an eye patch) and this shot above, we know a Kingsmoot is occuring. The Kingsmoot is when the Ironborn choose their new leader, meaning Balon Greyjoy will meet his fate, and (as far as we know) his daughter and brother Euron will compete for the leadership. No word on Victarian Greyjoy or the other lords of the Iron Islands yet)
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3 – Daenerys Burns The Dothraki Khalasar

From the shots of both trailers, it is clear that Daenerys is treated as a slave by her Dothraki captors, and not as a Khaleesi as she once was to Khal Drogo. Somehow one can only speculate that they will push her buttons to the point of having Drogo come and roast them all! She will be “The Stallion that Mounts their world”
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2 – Bran’s Visions (The Long Night)

Bran reached the Three Eyed Raven in the Season 4 finale, only to be completely absent in the fifth one. Now, we will see how his training goes, and how he will learn to see visions and flashbacks through the Weirwood trees, seeing flashbacks of (as far as we know):
– The Tower Of Joy (Mentioned in this very same article)

– The Long Night? To explain the thousand year old conflict between the White Walkers and (The First) Men
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1 – Jon Snow’s Ressurection

Book Readers have been wanting to know for the last 5 years what millions of show watchers have for the last 9 months: Is Jon Snow coming back? Well, given all the hints that lead to him being the primary character of the entire series, him being the “Song Of Ice And Fire”, we can safely say that the bastard of Winterfell, 998th Lord Commander of the Nights Watch is indeed dead….. but shall be reborn.
So The Mountain is back from the dead and what’s the one sure way of killing an undead person in GoT? Fire. And what’s the one thing The Hound is scared of? Fire. And who does The Hound hate the most? The Mountain. And why does he hate him? Because The Mountain shoved his face in the fire. But what’s the only sure way to kill his charming brother? Fire. It’s all heading towards a fiery conclusion!
He set his bed on fire, his father also let his brother the mountain torment him
(in reply to Hickey of Winterfell)Is it just me, or does Davos grab Longclaw in that bit? Here’s a crazy idea…Davos gets hurt, drops Longclaw, somebody else picks it up and stabs it into Davos’ pure and devoted heart, thereby accidentally producing the new Lightbringer.
Most of these are hardly shocking. Most of them are natural and logical progressions and assumptions.
Seeing as trailer 2 shows Davos elsewhere, I think it’s safe to say nothing is happening to him at Castle Black